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    1/32 scale model horse tack
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  1. maybe something like this? https://www.ameriken.com/products/die-shop-equipment/die-shop-equipment-manual-equipment/
  2. Think they are jewelry clamps too. I need a pair to use to hold my miniature leather pieces and metal pieces to work on, should have a protective material to keep from scarring the jewelry on the jaws . Wonder if a person could make some clamps and maybe put rubber on the jaws to really prevent any scarring ?
  3. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Conchos-Eagle-Silver-Plated-Screw-Back-PAIR-/120732574532?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item1c1c38e344 I found some on ebay if the Phatdaddy doesn't have any in his stash , You can see if these are like yours or not. Kim
  4. i have the set and they are very detailed, wish they could have had time to do the others they had planned to do. They have extra stuff in the back on making saddle trees and tie down trees for making saddles, plus other niffy tricks and thngs .i have them loaned out right now. kim
  5. Hmm, guess I need to try and find that system for I'm sure this will burn it up at 400,000 rpm's. I can use tooling leather for after I carve, punch ext.. on it I dremel the back of the leather off, skive it that way. The room and everything in it is covered in leather dust, but I've found that to be the easiest way for me. My bit shanks are 1/8th and very small. But, it's excellent to engrave metal with it and will engrave the thin pie pans as ,long as you don't hold it in one spot long nor apply any pressure, it glides over it. But, the harder the metal the easiest it is to engrave, sorta like butter. But, I don't work in that scale, except to engrave tools with initials or names. Thank you for the info, and would like to see the youtube (when you get a chance to do one...I'll be looking up that system in the meantime). o
  6. Which type of bits did you use and thickness of leather? I've wondered myself about engraving with air tools (dentist grade) powercrafter and powercarver 400 (400,000 rpm's) setting at 45 on the air compressor. I even have a router attachment for the powercrafter somewhere, haven't used it yet. Wish there was video or you tube on these subjects to use these no vibration tools on leather. Your piece is great! I work in small scales 1/9th to 1/32" and that's what I've been wanting to learn if it can be done. How to go about starting it. kim
  7. Where Can it be be bought online? or Leather store? Just wondering.. Thank you..
  8. Here is a leather chart with leather pieces dyed different colors showing before and half of it after. http://www.ksmithsmt...com/pdfjuly3.pd Hope this helps some. Kimberly leather chart.pdf
  9. http://leathercraftleather.com/chap-leather/upholstery-chap-leather-hide-distressed-brown/ this site may have something and your site where your link comes from say they (quote) " hand buffed in our shop to give it an antiqued patina. " kim
  10. I didn't look to see where this guy is at, but he's a good restorer of parade tack. http://johncarneycustomcreations.com/why_restore.html Maybe he could refer you to someone nearer to you. Kim
  11. I would do a search for the size on the net. Here's one link that has 2 " and I think 2 and a half inch: http://www.buffalobrothers.net/conchos/conchos_17.htm kim Just thought, you might can use a watch fob (modified some of course) on that link also. kim
  12. Oh, great- didn't see it ! Thanks. I found them!! Kim
  13. Thank you Steve, I'll search on the "saddler's journal", maybe they sell back issues like the Leather Crafter's Journal does. http://www.leathercraftersjournal.com/Back_Issues.html and Ben I checked out Bob Klenda's patterns like you linked- thank you. I see the monkey Face Taps in the pattern, but they don't sell the eagle taps in patterns just in "already Finished", but at least a monkey face is available. zmaybe the other will come available sometime. The eagle looks more fitting for the type of parade saddle I have. Monkey taps looks good on the mexican charro saddles I believe, and I have one of those saddles in the works in the 1/32 scale, no taps yet on it. Thank you all again, Kim
  14. I work on 1/32 scale mainly, sometimes 1/9. Just wondering if any "real" tapaderos patterns are around for me to study? I know most probably think "toys" when that small but I like to put detail in my minatures and like to study the real stuff. I know there are different styles of tapaderos out there too..wouldn't mind studying them all. Any books or magazines out there besides links also? I have Saddlemaker to the Stars, Fine Art of the West, The Art of the western Saddle, the An $ Al Stohlman encyopdeias 1-3, Saddles of the West and Saddles by Russel H. Beatie - a few more but don't remeber off the top of my head. I do, later want to do some "Real Leather Craft" items plus one day a real pair of Tapaderos to go on my ancent parade saddle (it has the regular stirrups with diamonds running down) - the lining and horn need repairs. I have almost all the tools/Supplies to do it with . If any one can point me where to go I would really be appreciative :0) Kim
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