Hi everyone...newbie here. This is my first knife sheath, and maybe my 5 or 6th leather project in total. As a lefty, I wanted to carry this knife on my belt but typical...it came with a right handed sheath.
this was actually supposed to be a prototype because I didn't think it was going to come out perfect (you know how it is, always *one* thing you would change) so I had chosen a piece of hide that was marked up and didn't make a basket weave pattern as I originally wanted to do. Some of the marks on the leather came from when I wet it and molded it...I clamped it in a vice wrapped in a shop rag and some of the cloth pattern transferred. Also, when using the eco-friendly dye with a sponge it came out foamy and it blotched...so I went with it and used an antiquing dye as well.
So, halfway through the project I decided to make it look something akin to a worn in trusty old tool belt. Funny how that happens.
I have to thank my girlfriend for the knife. A gift for this hunting season.