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Everything posted by Gordon

  1. Like the idea of the cardboard. There's some good advice here. Now I just have put it all to work. Thanks guys
  2. How much do you allow for the width of of gun. I'm looking at a Ruger Security Six it's 1.5.
  3. The gun is 1.5" wide so do I need to make the back that much smaller. Thanks for the idea about adding to the top for the hammer hadn't thought of that
  4. I'm making a pancake holster for my Security Six What I wondering is do I cut both sides the same or should rhe back be larger.
  5. I'm making a pancake holster for my Security Six What I wondering is do I cut both sides the same or should rhe back be larger.
  6. Getting ready to do a belt and want to buck stitch along the sides I like the old school look. What is the best lace to use for this Gordon
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