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About clicker

  • Birthday August 14

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  • Location
    Castle Rock , Colorado

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Fabricating Custom Clicker dies for craftsman around the world
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  1. Sandvik Steel Rule bending equipment and rule. Everything you need to make and if you choose, sell steel rule clicker dies. OR just the bender and rule. If your interested please feel free to PM or call. 720-341-3259
  2. Thank you guys very much, I wont let you down. My rule comes presharpened and I STILL run a sharpener across it before I begin bending. We also try to test punch as many new dies as we can as well.
  3. Hello all, I'd just like to share my new website and offer my services as well. Please see us at http://www.pro-dies.com we also have simple Facebook as well PRO-Dies mfg.
  4. I'm a bit late to the party here but I too build custom clicker dies. you can visit us at http://www.pro-dies.com there is also a link to my facebook page there to see more of my work.
  5. Sorry guys, you can also reach me at prorodeodies@gmail.com Try this maybe too, www.prorodeooriginals.com Chris
  6. We also build dies if you we're interested, www.prorodeooriginals.com . Or you can give me a call too Chris 720-341-3259
  7. Leela Valley is absolutely right regarding the ejection rubber, it's mainly for the leather/materials. You can check out US plastics they sell everything you can imagine in plastics, OR I can sure get it for you as well.
  8. There is a company named US plastics, they have every kind of plastic you can think of. search the website BUT Your much better off to give them a call
  9. I have been working on an idea like yours here, Thats cool Nice work!
  10. I'm sorry guys, that was a horrible post from a phone. www.prorodeooriginals.com
  11. Hey there, I build dies, you can see some of them here in my gallery OR check us out at www.prorodeoorginals.com thank you Chrsi
  12. clicker

    Clicker Dies

    Hey Guys and Gals ~ I just wanted to catch up and let everyone know I'm gearing back up and building dies. If your intrested let me know. We have done several different dies and had fun with some cool stuff. If I can answer any questions please give me a shout and we can talk. you can see some samples here and at www.prorodeooriginals.com Thank you for your time, Chris
  13. Hey there, what are ya looking for exactly? We charge $1.80 an inch for the most part, but you can check us out at www.prorodeooriginals.com under the "clicker dies" tab and get a better idea how it works. OR you can mail me at prorodeodies@gmail.com I can respond to this much quicker. Thanks chris
  14. Hey Journey, I can do them both ways, these here are used with a clicker press (maybe google it), If they are for a mallet, some times they'll have more/different bracing or a handle sometimes a rotating handle. Chris
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