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About ehmrimprov

  • Birthday 12/13/1962

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    San Angelo, TX
  • Interests
    Playing my trumpets in my 70's Funk band, leatherworking, woodworking, shooting, reloading bullets, big into collecting authentic & non-broken Native American Indian artifacts, there is more but this list is good enough

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Figure Carving
  • Interested in learning about
    dusting off and sharpening my skills again
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

ehmrimprov's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/4)

  1. Happy Birthday from Gary

  2. Hi, thanks for compliment. I LOVE LOVE LOVE collecting unbroken, if I can, arrowheads, spear points, knives, axes etc......all that type of prehistoric native american artifacts. The ONLY thing I don't have YET are,,,,bone or stone fishhooks, or " arrow shaft abrader/straightener" this is a flat rock with definite grooves worn into it where they would work their arrow shafts in grooves to straighten them. I had a HUGE collection before I went to Air Force back home in PA, where I am originally from,,,but sold them all prior to bootcamp,,but like with my leatherworking, I am trying to rebuild my collection as well. With being disabled like I am it is hard to actually go "hunt" for artifacts so I end-up having to buy most of them,,arghh,,,thanks again and peace. What kind of leatherwork are YOU into?
  3. Sir, thank you for saying that, that means alot
  4. Thanks again Gary,,,like I told you,,,,YOU are the one who is mostly responsible in me getting back into this with your generosity helping me get some tools I needed and your phone video. Now all I need to seriously find again are the "scenery belt templates" as scenery is my MOST favorite tooling as floral is NOT my forte' so if you or anyone finds any scenery templates for belts, let me know as I have a LOT for wallets but only one "hunting belt scenery template" so thanks again for supporting me Gary.
  5. wow, thank you very much Storm,,,,Gary was instrumental in helping me get alot of the tools I needed to get going again and with friends like him and now you,,,I will never EVER stop honing my skills. Thanks again so much.
  6. This is the VERY 1st leatherwork I have done in over 25 yrs and I know it is NOT great, it got the dust off my skills again. It is NOT a good pic though, it IS actually much better looking in person, sorry. Ed Thanks Gary (Leatherman) for ALL your support and help with me.
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