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About Pqstraub

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  • Location
    Gorman, Texas
  • Interests
    Horses, riding and growing my knowledge of leather crafting.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    I came across it many years ago.

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  1. @bruce johnson THANK YOU SIR! That was a very kind thing for you to do. I’ll try not to trouble you any further but I can’t make any promises. I made my husband a wallet a long time ago and he really liked it and kept using it until it was falling apart and you could barely see all of my carving and stamping. I told him I’d make him another one but I just haven’t done it YET! Thank you again. Paulette
  2. @bruce johnson I guess I didn’t realize I answered all my questions, well almost all. There was still a couple of things you mentioned that I didn’t have a clue what they meant and a few tons of things I need to learn. One of the things that I never even considered that I might need to learn and understand further is the wording or language that everyone I have texted with seems to have engrained in themselves. With you it has probably grown on you from day one, and probably has been a little fun along the way. You say in the short bio that everyone can see that you have been here since day one. I did something similar. I got on a game that also had an area in the game where you could chat with other players. I started playing that and chatted from close to day one and got very familiar with the vocabulary we used and we taught it to newbies. It was a lot of fun until the developers changed a whole bunch of stuff then it got to be so much a drag I finally quit. I would be a lot smarter and possibly happier if I had stayed with this site when I first signed up, instead. Hindsight.. I texted Tyler Shupe, then called him, but he was at some kind of show event at his booth and he said he would call me back. Then the horrible ordeal happened with President Trump and he didn’t get back to me until the following day. I stupidly missed his call but I’ll call him tomorrow during the day. The reins you said were great right out of the box, you meant they were already soft and supple? Can you tell me again so I can at least ask Mr Shupe, if he can make me some 8’ reins like them? The weight, width and I think you said to use Latigo leather. And the stitching. The pictures you posted of that set are just amazing, beautiful. Thank you for helping me. Paulette
  3. I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind explaining, well, most of the stuff I copied. It seems extremely weird to say "you kept them paired up from start to finish to keep them equal in feel". Being an extreme newbie, I would think it obvious you would keep a pair you cut out together, but maybe what I’m missing is that some straps even when cut right next to each other can maybe not be as equally as supple?? In the next sentence I understood most, I think. You said you asked for long sides with an 8 in the ??THICKNESS?? I assumed there you meant length? Then you said you didn’t care how shallow. I’m going to take a stab at guessing and say that shallow on a hide means how hmm..short the leather is that is coming down from the back area and in between the leg area?? I have seen some hides that seem to be very full on each side to the point that it’s almost a straight line across and others that have a huge scoop and the best word to describe that is shallow. Next you say you never cut below the break in the hide for reins. Where is this "break" located? And why not cut below it for reins? Is it just for the reason that any cuts below the break would be to short for any reins? Lastly, someone somewhere in my life told me, apparently very wrongly, that latigo leather had only one purpose, to make the thin strips on saddles, who’s only purpose is to look pretty. Boy were they wrong. Unfortunately I think the person who told me that was my Dad when I was about 12. So is latigo leather stuffed like harness? Thank you Paulette
  4. @bruce johnson Thank you very much. I figured if YOU weren’t still making reins, you could point me in some direction and you gave me two! Thank you very much, Paulette
  5. @bruce johnson I’m out of time. Meaning I have everything I need to start riding again except for a set of 8’ reins. Heck right now I don’t have any reins except the ones that guy made for me and I would be embarrassed to use them. I had had some unwanted extra time when I had a stupid accident and I severely bruised two of my ribs. They didn’t break but I sure felt like they had. Anyway if it isn’t inappropriate to ask, here, what would you charge me to make me some reins? I think I would be interested in having those poppers on them as well. I’d love to have them in stitched but I’d really just like them to be supple and a nice weight and feel. Stitching would be great but…. Thank you Paulette
  6. @bruce johnson , those reins you put in the pictures, they are both stitched and they look as straight as a ruler. Can you tell me if the ones I have are so bad just because of well is the difference all of it? The weight, the width, bad quality leather, and the stitching, that ruined my reins? I also was wondering if you could tell me or show me a better picture of how those poppers are attached to those reins. When I got up real close it got to blurry to see. Thank you very much!! Paulette
  7. @Northmount , thank you for the post on where to post. Paulette
  8. @sheathmaker , thank you for all of your advice. I guess that takes care of the leather type and weight. I was surprised that you didn’t mention bridle leather. In the several places that I have looked for leather most have a category called bridle leather. I don’t know anything about it except that I think I remember two of y’all on here mentioning using bridle leather. @TomE , I’m glad I was finally able to figure out the picture problem I was making. Thank you for reply and help. Now I just need to find someone who knows what there doing to make me some 8’ reins and some slobber straps. I bet I could throw a rock and hit several on this website. Does there happen to be a place on this website where you either post what you would like to have made, or a place where everyone post what there good at and looking for jobs or something? Would it be inappropriate for me to ask one of the experts that have very kindly helped me? For all that I know, if they wanted to do the job they would have offered or they would be searching that other area looking for jobs they want to do. I don’t want to back anyone in a corner. Paulette
  9. I had wondered about the tension. If the tension is correct, from what I know about sewing regular stuff, the stitching will look the same on the top side and on the bottom side. His didn’t. I don’t know how that would affect 9/10 ounces leather, but it was consistent throughout all his sewing. I’ll include some pictures to better explain. He has offered to give me a refund and also offered to make me another set. If I choose to have him make me another set, I think the stitching would be exactly the same so probably best to not do the stitching. Or the stamping. So EVERYONE, ANYONE, what are y’all’s opinions, thoughts, on how wide a pair of reins should be? What ounce would be ideal? I like and want long reins. At least 8 feet. I do want them supple enough that if I want to or need to I can tie them together in a loose knot. I guess lastly what kind of leather is going to have everything I want? Last of all I wanted to include a couple of pictures that showed the front and the back side of his stitching. Thank y’all for any and all help and advice.
  10. No I put the pictures down below in the area where this app placed them. I clicked on every picture and it opened up and expanded but because I sent it at the lowest possible choice, as soon as you expanded it, it went out of focus. I am trying again at the largest possible choice that this will accept. Thank you for your information.
  11. I hope I didn’t make them so dang small you can’t zoom in on them and see the curve. I did talk to the guy who made them and he told me that he did cut them straight on an 8’ hide but it is the stitching that made them curve. Have y’all ever had that happen on any long strips or straps or even reins that you have also sewn? I just don’t know if I believe him. And the stamping. I have NEVER seen veg-tan natural leather that has been stamped and then stained, where the stamping wasn’t a lot darker than the rest of the leather. Not a single stamp is any darker than the rest of the leather and it seems to mostly be very lightly stamped. I’ll take some closer shots of the stamping.
  12. Thank you so much for your help. I’ll check out everything you suggested. I’m pretty sure that my pictures are jpg. My phone is an iPhone but it’s very old. It’s a version 5. Yea I know, but unfortunately I’ve never broken it and there’s nothing wrong with it, so I have no excuse to spend the money to get a new one. Anyway I have searched my phone and I can’t find anything that will let me lower the size or resolution. My iPad was the one that allowed me to get it down to 828kb but even that wouldn’t upload onto this site. I know the problem is me. I’m missing something. I’ll check everything out and keep trying. I really need these experts opinions on my reins. And if they need pictures then I’m gonna get them pictures. Thank you Paulette
  13. Ok now I’m pissed. I got the picture down to 828kb and this dang thing is still telling me I’m not allowed to post over 1.46mb. I’ve done this before I just need to remember how. At 66 I may remember and I may not.
  14. Fred that was one of my questions to this guy. He does offer a money back guarantee if your not happy.
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