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  • Gender
  • Location
    Assiniboia and Regina Saskatchewan
  • Interests
    Cowboyin, ropin and horses.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Mostly repairs
  • Interested in learning about
    sewing machines
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  1. Another great lookin rig cousin! :D
  2. Sorry...I can't message you back thru my PM's here. Thanks for helping me get my 5100 working again. You were right...I'd forgotten how to program the motor...lol! And my owners manual is packed in storage somewhere....haven't been able to find it yet. Russ
  3. Hi ...I sent the admin a message thru the contacts. Haven't heard back yet. When I click on the drop down menu to get into my mail...it always sends me to my profile. No matter how fast I am with the cursor...it won't open my mailbox. Only way I can get into it...is if someone sends me an email and I click on the little notification box. Opens fine...but I can never get back into it. Thanks! Russ
  4. Hi...I've been having problems with the messanger for awhile now. I can get messages that are sent to me but can never open the email again. I click on the drop down menu... click Messanger...and nothing happens but my profile page always comes up. Any idea how to fix this? Thanks! Russ Name: Russ Brewer (olroper99) UserName: olroper99 IP Address: Email Address: reelracer99@hotmail.com
  5. They have a two part (?) series on U tube... lotta interesting info! Russ
  6. Thanks Ronnie! The 200 rpm motor works fine! Any slower and I'd fall asleeep...lol! As soon as I find room for my ol' Mach 1 to live...I'll be ordering another motor for it. These things are the best thing since sliced bread....
  7. Got the motor in from Techsew.... Got it mounted this morning. It was a no brainer....it has the exact same mounts as most clutch motors. Pulley is a lot smaller so the belt is too long but I jury rigged it for now and it works GREAT!!!!! This is on a Mitsibishi 66 upholstery machine that was lightning fast... Now...I can do intricate chap (and other sewing) with it in complete control. This motor doesn't go down to 100 rpm like I thought it would and the machine is a little down on power at the 200 rpm minimum when pushed thru heavy leather.....but it was just a test and it sews chap leather perfectly. The pulley ratio on the 66 is very "high geared" so I'm not too concerned. All in all...a very good purchase! I'll be buying another Smart Servo motor for my Mach 1 soon also. A darn handy machine...but still way too fast when "IT" feels like it. Thanks Mike...from Rapheal Sewing!!!!! Russ
  8. Thanks! I'll check them out! Russ
  9. Well thanks guys! I'm just going to order Stolmans book then. LK...thanks for your kind offer! I want this to fit pretty tight as he is going to have this mounted on a saddle and doesn't want a keeper strap on it. Something about practicing for mounted shooting???????? LOL! Russ
  10. Hi all! I have a buddy who lives a couple hundred miles away. He wants a holster for this pistol but is too far away for me to get an acceptable pattern off the actual gun... And I don't have a dummy gun to make a holster from. Anyone know where I can get a proven pattern for one of these? Thanks! Russ
  11. Splitter came today!!!! Works GREAT!!!! What a neat deal! Ahem...now the machinist side of me wants to add a digital readout to make the thickness more repeatable. ;-)
  12. Tapping toe on floor...still waiting....sigh...dang Greyhound....stopping at every mailbox across Canada....
  13. Thanks Bruce! I was hoping you'd chime in! The American is being shipped this morning. Can't wait for the new toy to show up. Russ
  14. Hey all! Oh boy...I just had to meet up with a new bud in Regina...and he showed me his beautiful Landis 30 splitter. Now I'm wanting one pretty bad. I've found an American splitter...hand crank...prolly the same type as the Landis. The guy who has it says he thinks the Landis is a better machine. Anyone have any real experience to add to this? Thankyou! Russ
  15. His name is John...at least that's what he says on his webpage. I also have a very strong machinists background and understand machinery better than a lot of folks. Umm...I just bought the same machine John sells for nearly $1000 less...and it has an upgraded servo motor with more power. I asked him about a servo motor for my Mach1 and was informed that I didn't need it...that if the clutch was setup right on my machine it would sew as slow as I wanted. That's almost true....it does sew slow sometimes.....but likes to burst into hi speed at the worst times.....like on a bridal right near a tight corner etc. I've ruined enough things on that machine now. I've built several cnc machines myself and understand the benefits of true servo motors and modern technology. Yep...I agree...that machine out east is a good deal....but I'm not buying anything sight unseen anymore. Been burned before. If it was close enough to look at...I'd own it already. Russ
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