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Everything posted by machinistchest

  1. Hi Eric, I`d love to share that info with you however, somethings I like to keep a mystery. http://www.machinistchest.com/site/products.php?category_id=55 ...MC
  2. I was commissioned to make this old leather handle for a guy from Canada. He`s restoring an old 1930`s suitcase which will be displayed on the running board of his 1926 Franklin. ...MC
  3. I regestered on twitter but haven`t figured out how it works yet. A customer of mine has posted all his tool chest restorations which feature some of my products on Flicker. It`s a photo sharing site. He claims he`s getting 6-7 hundred veiws a day and nearly 100 thousand in a year on his photostream. We worked out a little skit where I was able to post a linkback to my website, so far I`v recieved 7 visits (2 weeks). Apparently the viewers arn`t reading the comments they`re just looking at the pic`s ...MC http://www.flickr.co...N08/4585375384/
  4. Well just some numbers to compare. Ebay has 83 million members, Etsy has 650 thousand..MC
  5. I got my start on ebay, and it did a great service for me. I`v been thinking about listing on etsy, however I`m not sure I would get as many views as I do on the bay therefore etsy might not be worth my time. I do have a website and currently do still list on the bay a select few of my products every month for a small fee, it`s great advertizment, my goal is to drive traffic to my website from ebay. I have my logo at the bottom of the ebay ads, If you click on it you`ll see what happens. http://cgi.ebay.com/...4=263602_263622 Thanks...MC
  6. Lets try it again. http://www.machinist...d=20&tab=images MC
  7. How intresting, Y`all probably can use some punches for the round over, a 32end radious in the corner works great and the same for a supporting nest underneath ,I started out with a hammer and a punch at first. Now I have a 6" air cylinder set up and about 150 PSI . A nice round over takes about 3/64" for the clinch allowance plus your work thickness, however leather is a bit more forgiving. Ya know, it took me over two years to develop the process for my handles and I`m still learning . I wish I had been aware of LW five years ago. I can`t read enough at this time. There `s some creative works goen on around here. Thanks John
  8. These old antiques are always inspiring. http://machinistches...d=13&item_id=20 then Click on the image tab John
  9. Hey`all Just joined the forum myself. What a resource! I`m on information overload. I`m here just north of Bush freeway in far north dallas. I never new Bush had a airport. I saw him at the hardware store just the other day. John
  10. Everything is big in Texas, as they say. Great Job!
  11. Hi Noah, This is my first post here on this wonderful forum. I might be able to help you out, I have a lifetime supply of eyelets They are 1/2" long ,1/4 " dia., .024 wall , brass or tin plate I use them on a handle that I make. If they are two long perhaps they can be cut down. Here`s a link showing the handle that they are used on. http://machinistches...d=55&item_id=23 Hope this helps, John
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