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Everything posted by RageRover

  1. This post is a month old, but I will give it a try, maybe you haven't found a solution yet? I don't know about exotic leathers either....but as far as "normal" (i.e. non exotic leathers) I stretch various shoes all the time. Yes, you can buy shoe stretch...but its mostly alcohol and water! And its about $5 for a tiny 5oz bottle. Not worth it IMHO. So...you can make your own shoe stretch by mixing about 1-2 parts alcohol to about 2 parts water in a spray bottle. Then mist the leather until its moist...then stretch gently. Best to stretch small amounts at a time over a period of days. In addition, after the leather has been sprayed down with the water and alcohol I give it a wipe with Lexol. This has always worked well for me dozens of times. Once again (this is my legal statement), This method has worked well for ME....I don't want to be blamed if it does not work well for you! So if you can, try it on a small piece of leather first. Just add, don't flood the leather the with the water/alcohol...just mist until its moistened all the way through. You can always use a towel/rag to wipe away any areas that are flooded/pooling with alcohol solution. Also...as you gently stretch the leather over the day(s), every time you want to pull it or stretch it more, always make sure you wet it/spray it again with the alcohol & water solution. Once you have the leather where you want it to be, then you just let it dry...which in the case of a shoe, it is recommended to wait at least 24hrs. I always wait 48hrs or more. last but not least...after its stretched, I wipe it down with Lexol again (Connolly Hide food is good too, but its thick and greasy but filled with lanolin...but I'm sure any leather moisturizer of choice will work well.) Good luck...hope it works well for you. Please let me know how it goes.
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