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Everything posted by runningwithscissors

  1. Trust me they are out there. I went to an estate auction near me and in the corner of the garage there sat my newest adventure. It is a 1908 Singer model 29-4. I paid a total of $100 and am now putting about $40 in parts and a few hours of elbow grease to make it just perfect. So just wait, when you least expect it, you find the most amazing things in the strangest places. good luck! keep searching!
  2. So I have recently purchase one of these singers. It is a 1908 model 29-4. I currently have it all in pieces and have cleaned all the parts that I could. The one thing that I am going back and forth on is the paint. I wonder if I will be loosing the value if I choose to completely repaint the machine? It was not exactly well kept before I received it. (But what can I say, I paid $100!) It had one frozen part with rust and other than that is functional. The only part I will be replacing is the rubber bobbin winder tire. That brings me back to the paint. Because the decals are currently there, though not in original condition, I fear repainting it. It has some rust issues that I worry about when I do make it functional. I am attaching one of the pictures I took. It is partway through the process but it shows the damage to the paint. Is it worth it to completely repaint or will that kill the value to loose the original decals?
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