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    western saddles
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  1. This saddle its beautiful sir !!!!!!!!!!!
  2. aAre you hiting me to Dennis,IN the name of god with all this problems I got NOW MY wife with the cancer,The economi situ. And a bunch of PROBLEMS now this I respect you,I do my own work And I was and try to learn from you,any body else here no Problem but you???????? Bye the way I can prove My wife its sick and alot of problems to,Maybe next time All people here mention Im palying with the healt of my wife too. CANT BE Louis Carrillo
  3. Of the problems that had recently with dif.saddlamerks and with the illness of my wife, I feel that my world ended for me, my apologies are from my heart. I have no words to continue to express as much as I feel,HOPE GOOD FORGIVE ME for all that people I have offended Louis Carrillo SM
  4. Shelly,I like to know what its the saddle did you mention I copy from you.Some people in this Great web site Look like the only in the world making saddles,I can pay for layer but that ist not the point,If you attack Me The natural respon.its defen.Some of you act like the only saddlemaker and the whole world.What you company name or you saddle shop.There is to many people asking me about making a saddle like that from any or other comany I CANT SEE THE TRADE MARK ON DESIGNS. In any type of work always admired the work of a colleague is doing the same or better.I accept my mistake with steve, but neither have I committed a murder, a thousand times pronuciare admire many saddlemaker best-known network kabatoff darcy, steve mason, jeremiah watts, if your point is to destroy my reputation go head on ebay, is not the whole horse industry, the people in the whole world its very smart,very smart sonner or later I will show to more and more people my saddle and my work Im not the best saddlemaker There a bunch out there,they really are SUBLIME work ther are not here They hit the market with REAL super quality saddle I invitie you If I offent you in any way Please accept my alologize.
  5. I am also in agreement with Mark!

  6. Louis you are not a saddle maker you are a thief. or at least not an honest one.


  8. Hello I'm Louis Carrillo Since I apologize to you steve, I made a terrible mistake, now I am paying the terrible consequences.On the other hand I am a true saddlemaker Fisrt my most sincere respects to Darcy Kabatoff, and Steve Mason saddlemaker both the best of the best in the art of saddlemakeing For personal problems of the cancer of my wife I was behind on my orders, but it is for this person to steve B, I will no to trample on my reputation of saddlemaker, closed the auction for fear of negative feedback, but not because I can not make this quality of saddles, something ridiculous, knowing how demanding is the community from ebay to present something that is not. those others who THROUGH comment for this person steve B saddlestrees are saying my bad saddle trees I invite yout contact me.everytime I more familiarize myself with the system dennis lane of Australia I will put on ebay or other leather board disc. photos of will james or wade saddles and will also here in leatherworker and you'll see that I am NOT a beginner making saddles. Believe it or not I have learned alot from darcy kabatoff, his work is the TOP OF THE LINE. Here in leatheworker,and I also see his work in canada four years ago Spec.this person motivated me to make better work everytime I made a saddle Now I invite you expert saddlemaker or bigginer to share everything we know If some read this and its try to learn saddlemaking to visit me and Ill teach you for free. Let make the art of saddlamaking not disappear!!! Louis Carrillo
  9. Welcome aboard!

  10. Why I can make new topics in saddle and tack gallery ???? Name: Louis carrillo UserName: LCSADDLERY IP Address: Email Address: lcsaddlery@yahoo.com
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