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About rodeomic

  • Birthday 07/06/1951

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  • Interests
    Leather work, sports, rodeo, movies, taking naps, good food, reading, searching for the perfect Reuben sandwich.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    western tack and gear. minor repair
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    web search

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Member (2/4)

  1. Thanks everbody. I think I'm going to try and modify a cowboy cuff pattern. I made a prototype from heavy construction paper, and I think it can be done. Probably use a lighter leather than I would use for a cuff. Any idea's out there? Thanks again, Roger
  2. No, I asked. Short of the commercial brands on the internet, I haven't found a thing. I have a hunch he may just want to order a set from Stihl, or another maker. Thanks for the response.
  3. I have a request for "arm chaps", to be used by an employee of a local tree company. I know they are sort'a, kind'a, similar to cowboy cuffs, but I believe they would have a thumb hole. Anyone out there have some how to advice on these? Patterns, etc. Thanks in advance! Roger
  4. I have a request for "arm chaps", to be used by an employee of a local tree company. I know they are sort'a, kind'a, similar to cowboy cuffs, except I believe they would have a thumb hole. This site has never failed me yet, so I hoping someone out there can offer some how to help, patterns, etc. Thanks in advance, Roger
  5. Ah-Ha!!!! I did it. I just wrote asking how to create a new topic. I actually figured something out on my own! :-) Thanks again, Roger Name: Roger UserName: rodeomic IP Address: Email Address: fain.roger@gmail.com
  6. Hello, I don't remember how to create a new post!!! :-( Help please? Thanks in advance. Happy Trails, Roger Name: Roger UserName: rodeomic IP Address: Email Address: fain.roger@gmail.com
  7. Thanks for the response. Most of what I do is from pattern pak's, then add my own flavor! But, just from what you said, sounds like the Stohlman book could be a good investment. Thanks again. Happy Trails, Roger
  8. I keep seeing "The Art of Making Leather Cases, Vol. 3 by Al Stohlman" referred to. Is it just a bunch of pictures of his stuff, or, are there patterns available, and is the book really that helpful? I ask because I have purchased books by other "experts", which were basically a work of "look what I did". Thanks! Roger
  9. Hello-a comment on your "sore hands". But first, nice job on the bags. I prefer hand-sewing most projects. One thing I did some years ago to help ease the "sore finger land", was buying a pair of relatively cheap, padded palm drivers gloves. I modified the gloves by cutting the fingers off at the knuckle, (just above your ring). I restitched the cut area for reinforcement. The padded palm acts great as a needle push, and the fingers makes a hug difference when tensioning the thread. I also cut the thumb completely out, and reinforced that area with a strap and glove snap. Hope this sort of makes sense.
  10. Will do! Thanks Bill. Roger
  11. Not sure this is the right forum for this, but----I have been eye balling the Tippmann Boss sewing machine for quite sometime. Anything, good or bad you might be willing to share will be greatly appreicated. Thanks in advance, Roger
  12. Wow! Not only did it help, it solved the mystery for me. Thanks so much Ken. I appreciate that.
  13. Melanie, I will just ditto Casey here. Tandy sells pretty decent strap and lace cutters. To me, the wing divider is most useful for measurements and setting space distance. Good luck, Roger
  14. Hello all- This is probably a dumb question. But----I have found folks here to be most forgiving and willing to help. Friend asked me to make him a guitar strap. I was sort of like, OK---hmm, now what? I'm ok with the buckle setup for the front guitar button, but, even after looking at several pictures, I can't determine how the back billet anchors. I see how it will attach to the button, but don't know quite how to keep it from slipping. Thanks in advance! Roger
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