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Everything posted by wareagle

  1. hello what color should I use brown black leather ... I use white ... which one to use ?(translated) I would use black leather, and do the lettering in white
  2. IMO for that thin of a blade should not need a welt, unless it is for decoration. For my first one I did not have one, but it is just scrap leather to protect me and other family members (nosy cat) from getting cut. I will be doing one for a "show peice" some time before October.
  3. The choice is yours and yours alone(except for maybe the one who holds the purse strings)! I work out of my home(two bedroom apartment) also and I have the tools set up in the spare bedroom along with the cat box and storage. I have it set up where I have movable carts for the large tools and move them around when I need to use them.. as to cutting it is done on a sheet of Masonite on the floor. Things to consider if you decide to relocate expense wise are signage, insurance, rent, security services, utilities, advertising, internet, taxes, loss due to shrinkage(shop lifting, theft), trash services, phone etc.
  4. I like the East Hartford TLF they have always treated me fair, and Bruce stocks a lot of quality leather and ships overseas. granted I am only about 1 and a half miles from the store.
  5. Ugggghh some supplier is going to be happy tomorrow 500+usd going out for leather and a few tools

  6. For punching the different holes in a leather belt or holster I grab my BMF hammer (48 oz brass-headed dead-blow) as far as the dimpling from my cutting board I have a smooth poly board picked up a a flea market for a dollar 11X17, I would use the above mentioned methods to avoid transferring the pattern. for belt hole pattern I use a template made out of thin plexiglass to set the position of the holes works for any belt size as it is just the tip and buckle ends.
  7. My rule of thumb is use a buckle if there is any type of stress pulling on the strap, and snaps to keep it closed with out stress, But buckles can be used for decareation to.
  8. polly cutting board poundo mat marble slab min 12" X 12" X1" (noise reduction and inert mass for stamping and punching) mini and maxi set from Tandy will have most sizes you need thonging chisel set recommend poster board or card stock for pattern making drop the mink oil, that is for minks go with neetfoots oil (not compound) just a few I can think of
  9. ]After talking to the supplier we have straightened the issue out it seems the description of the product was wrong on the site and should have said #2's which it did not will be adding more suppliers and ordering more leather as it gets closer to fall and winter.
  10. I am looking for a wholesale tooling leather supplier that does not have a minimum amount to purchase, the last on I purchased from I bought some belt strips from out of 10 only 5 are usable, the others had stains or dye splatters on them. I expected better from this company as the do have a good rep here. So I am looking for a supplier where I can buy one or two hides at a time and has belt strips pre cut.
  11. For me I use the best leather quality for the item I am making. I do and will continue to use seconds for a lot of projects reason is it gives the items being made a greater character than a perfect piece of leather, it also shows that the leather is real and not some man made genuine leather product. One thing I have discovered is a lot more chemicals are being used in the "Veg tanning" process when I started in the early 70's almost all the leather we used then was naturally tanned using plant extracts or were brain tanned (think chemicals are stinky try brain tanning a deer or elk hide) for a soft garment leather.
  12. This is one of my pet peeves and yet a supplier did it again to me today. They offer several shipping methods and you choose one. Lets say USPS. Then you get the shipping notice and see it is with another shipper(UPS). No call or email as to why. I try not to use UPS in our area due to slow delivery and lots of lost packages, 15 during a 8 month period for the two businesses in our building. FedEx is not much better as we never know when they are delivering and if we miss them it is a 20 mile drive to their depot to pick up. So to all suppliers USE THE CHOSEN METHOD FOR SHIPPING please!!!!!!!! Tracy Fowler WarEagle Leather Works Pens-n-Crafts WarEagle Enterprises
  13. We will be in Vermont at Copper's Hill Sunday for a 50th anniversary of wifes aunt and uncle. Need to finish 4 items before then.
  14. We do leather work in our apartment. and have a few rugs down and have never had any problems (Knock on wood). Leather dust is fairly easy to clean up the biggest problem I can foresee is spilling a dye or paint. We also do wood turning and turn plastics, the plastic throw offs are by far the hardest to clean up (static cling and barbed edges act like hooks on any material). Edit .... Also heavy equipment will leave a indent on the carpet .... use a steam iron and damp towel, then rough it up using your hand or a carpet comb, to remove it
  15. Here is some of the work we have done for the past couple of weeks ..... And Our Logo/makers stamp......
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