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Just John

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About Just John

  • Birthday 09/22/1947

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Missoula, Mt
  • Interests
    Building leather stuff, anything. I love variate. Get bored easily.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    Whip making
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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Member (2/4)

  1. Butch Looks like a slow year for your Dr. Bag pattern. I don't want you to feel like your neglected, so I too would like a copy of your pattern. Thanks in advance. John (john@leathertooled.com)
  2. Howdy. A neighbor bought an estate and there were a bunch of Craftool stamps in it. He didn't know what to do with them, so he came to me. I thought I would make them available to the group. I figured to sell them for $4.50 each. After you all have had a shot at them, I'll put them on Ebay. Some are new and some are old, and some have been modified. They all seem in decent condition. The freight will depend on what you order. I like USPS Flat rate shipping. I can do others. Just email me with what you want and I'll figure it out and let you know the total cost. If it meets you satisfaction I will invoice you via Pay Pal. When I am waiting your approval the tools will be held for you. Attached is a list of all the tools, in JPEG format. So I put it in the Files Thingy. It's called Craftool List PDF. If you have any questions email me at info@leathertooled.com Thanks. John Clos Leather Tooled www.leathertooled.com Missoula, MT (406)356-6668
  3. Just John

    John's Junk

    Just some stuff I have done.
  4. Just John


    Ok I didn't upload the Pic. Maybe it's Yoda out for a walk at Midnight with no moon.
  5. Just John


    Here is my Yoda. I made an IPad cover for a graduation present for a guy that got his PHD and he is a Star Wars fan. I came across this Yoda too late to put it on the cover so I framed it and sent it along.
  6. You want a small portable lacing device? How about a Saw Filing Vice. (http://cgi.ebay.com/...=item3cb38a09d6) Here is one on Ebay for 7 bucks. Look around at flea markets and such. Make sure you line the jaws with leather. Good luck. John
  7. A basic starter kit would get you started. Here is one from Tandy for $29.99. http://www.tandyleatherfactory.com/55509-00.aspx Doesn't get much cheaper than that. You can get the rivets and Leather (9 to 10oz) there also. Start with the small stuff then your corset. Main thing is have fun. John
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