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About Bugler

  • Birthday 01/30/1958

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
  • Interests
    Leatherwork, beeing a Bugler for Bugles Across America,
    Music, working with Dogs

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Belts, Hatbands, maybe with more experience other
  • Interested in learning about
    newbie, not sure for now
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    searching the web

Bugler's Achievements


Member (2/4)

  1. I wish my budget would allow to be there every year. It was just awesome. We stayed here http://www.wingateinnsheridan.com/ and it was absolutely fantastique.
  2. Check this one http://www.elitek9.com/Harness/products/12/ it might give you some ideas about what you want to do. The idea to buy a real cheap one at a pet shop and use it as a how it´s made is a good one. Have minn, which I use still for tracking since more than 30 years. It was done by an old style bootmaker and dog handler. Rugged but hey, there are so many memories of my long gone forlegged partners and it seems as if their spirit will help my new ones to become better trackers.
  3. Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzz, that´s exactly what I was looking for, since I´d love to do some music related carving for the upcoming 150th anniversary of Taps. Didn´t find it anymore. Has anybody else an idea wher to find musical stamps. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  4. Thank you for the welcome and be sure that there are a lot of questions to be answered. For the beginning I will try to get through the whole content and find the one or other answer. Just one in advance, does anyone know if there are any other stamp tools with musical notes than the ones offered by Tandy Leather?
  5. Bugler

    OMG, a long way to go

    I really hope, that, with a lot of practice, will getting better one day. I am looking forward to receive as much constructive critics as possible.
  6. Howdy I am a 52 year old german with lots of love and dedication to the United States, especially their Western heritage. Since I met my first American about 40 years ago, he was/is a pure bred Texan, I am completely lost to everything which means America. In 2007 I visited my dear friends John&Alys, Bootmakers of St Jo,TX. They hooked me up for a trip to Sheridan,WY, where they participated at the Rocky Mountain Leather Show. Wow - I never would have believed what I got to see. Leather, Leather, Leather in all possible variations. All those artists like Jan Schoonover, C.T. Chappel and many others. It was like standing in front of a Christmastree. Hundreds of pictures are still on various Data Sticks. Back in St.Jo, John tought me how to get along with leather and I started and finished my fisrt belt. Not a real good one but enough to get infected. Back home again, I started to built up my own little craft shop in my appartement and whenever I have time I am working with leather. A few belts, knife sheats, dog collars braided) and some other little things are the results so far. I am way a beginner and truely hope that once upon a day I may reach, with a lot of practice, just the "foothills" of the real artists as they are here in this forum. The main problem is the time factor. Most of my time I spend on duty as a Security Officer at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, the largest US Military Hospital outside the United States. Also the Hospital where Americas Warriors came trough after they get injured or sick down range. Additionally I am the German Representative of Bugles Across America, an all volunteer Organisation to provide life Taps for Americas Heroes. Training Dogs is the other main part of my life. Well, I hope this may help you a little bit to get along with me. Just feel free to ask if you have any more questions. God bless yawl

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