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    Cambridge, Maine USA
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    sold my handbag business (had it for 43 years!) and trying to find homes for some of the remaining leathers

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  1. All sold! Thanks to you all! Now if I could figure out how to mark this all sold it would be great!
  2. Still have about 40-50 pounds of boot tops, the blue- green cowhide side (25 ft at 75 cents/ ft) and the dog print. Plus a lot of pieces, mostly cowhide footprint size up to 3 sq ft. If you’re interested let me know!
  3. I added this to my western handbag line years ago, but the handbags took up all my time so I never really did it justice. There's enough finished goods here that just selling them would pay you back more than what I am asking! Plus materials to make lots more. Sadly I have lost the printed materials that went with them, but may be able to find some of the photos... Included are a hundred + of the pewter concho tacks, many finished pieces on cards, and loads of cut-out shapes to use like this, or add to your own work. There are short and long 1' x 2.5" and 1" x 5 inch pinked strips, and a lot of the chevrons, especially in hair-on calf. Just want $50 for the whole shebang! plus shipping.
  4. Of course found still more after I posted this - how about some really jazzy printed leather? $10 for the box Most of this is small hides, under 5 feet, and pieces.
  5. This site has been awesome helping me rehome my hoarded leather, but I keep finding more! What I still have is about 50 pounds of cowboy boot parts (see below what I made with them); another 50 pounds or so of soft cowhide pieces from footprint size up to 3 sq ft; A few individual hides of lamb, goat, and pigskin; and a few bits of exotic leathers- snakeskin, lizard, etc. I'm not looking to get rich, just make some space! Asking about 75 cents a sq ft for the leather, 75 cents a pound for the boot tops, or less if you take more! Boot tops are some whole tops, some completed tops but still flat, and some that just have the stitching but are one layer... and a few that are motorcycle type boots with no stitching. Almost free if you take them all!!!!
  6. Sorry to be so clumsy with this website! I am indeed in Maine, but willing to ship. I just posted some photos, but managed to not add it to this thread! So here they are again. I will do more later. I'm largely interested in not sending these to the dump, and hopefully finding them a home with someone who will be as delighted as I was when I bought them! I remember how hard I worked to locate them. Any reasonable offer will be good, including whatever the shipping turns out to be. The boot tops are very assorted, and I believe I have about 40-50 pounds. Some of the items, including the boot tops, are still in my old factory building, so I need to go over there and see what's there. The lizard boot toes may indeed be gone, but I thought I would see if there's any interest in them. The bags show what I used the alligator and turkey feet for - I am sure you all can find some other uses! I have more, but have reached my limit evidently for photos right here. The stingrays are all whole,except for that one green one - there are 17 of them, plus a bunch of pieces. The red and black photo is a full upholstery cowhide, 54' I believe. I didn't count the turkey feet, but looks like about 100. I also have one bundle of light brown lamb, so about 60 sq ft, but couldn't fit the photo on here - if interested I can email a photo.
  7. I'm not sure how to change my profile to show my location - I am in Maine. Here's a small selection of the boot tops. I'm mostly interested in not sending them to the dump, so any reasonable offer would be accepted. I believe I have about 40-50 pounds. 


    Also shown is how I used the alligator and the turkey feet.

    boot tops web.jpg

    little al web.jpg

    turk web.jpg

  8. Thanks for the hint! How do I do that??
  9. I closed my handbag business a few years ago, and find I still have a lot of stuff hanging around. I'm not asking much for it- just don't want it to go to the dump! What I have includes a pile of lizard skins, turkey feet, cowboy boot tops, some 1940s alligator pieces, sting rays, and more that I will find as I dig it all out. I can post some photos if there's some interest... Here's a photo of what I made with the boot tops, so you can see what they are like. I have about 30 pounds of them
  10. Help! You folks seem to know a lot! I sold a bunch of bags at a recent market only to find my supply dried up. I need some printed calf or acid washed calf in blue or turquoise. Pieces would do or whole hides. I will express my gratitude by giving you some good sources for other stuff if I can! I am in the world of soft leather, mostly deerskin, so know lots of suppliers for that. Thanks!
  11. welcome to the site

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