Sorry to be so clumsy with this website! I am indeed in Maine, but willing to ship. I just posted some photos, but managed to not add it to this thread! So here they are again. I will do more later.
I'm largely interested in not sending these to the dump, and hopefully finding them a home with someone who will be as delighted as I was when I bought them! I remember how hard I worked to locate them. Any reasonable offer will be good, including whatever the shipping turns out to be.
The boot tops are very assorted, and I believe I have about 40-50 pounds. Some of the items, including the boot tops, are still in my old factory building, so I need to go over there and see what's there. The lizard boot toes may indeed be gone, but I thought I would see if there's any interest in them. The bags show what I used the alligator and turkey feet for - I am sure you all can find some other uses!
I have more, but have reached my limit evidently for photos right here.
The stingrays are all whole,except for that one green one - there are 17 of them, plus a bunch of pieces.
The red and black photo is a full upholstery cowhide, 54' I believe.
I didn't count the turkey feet, but looks like about 100.
I also have one bundle of light brown lamb, so about 60 sq ft, but couldn't fit the photo on here - if interested I can email a photo.