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About anubismp

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  1. Hi everyone I'm looking to make a leather motorcycle jacket and would like to know if theres any good patterns or tutorials out there, good books to read etc? I have access to a leather sewing machine and have done leather work before though not on this scale. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
  2. A bit ago I saw that someone had posted a full face mask that was a demon or skull mask i believe around Halloween. I think it had a template and everything but I tried the search today and couldn't find it. Does anyone know where/who this was? Thanks in advance
  3. Since the above guys seem to do two piece holsters I thought I'd throw in my two cents on one pieces. I usually figure out a rough shape by bending the leather over the gun then cut out the piece I want to work with. I then wet the leather and do a light wet mould, just the basic outlines I'm not trying to bone it. Once it is close to dry I use an overstitcher to plot out my lines then proceed. Its been working well for me but I'm new to all of this so your mileage may vary.
  4. Heres how it turned out. The stingray was tough but once I git used to it it didn't seem too bad to punch. The work from the flesh side was a good tip. I wound up using some Elmer's superglue as it was on hand and I was getting the run around from local shops. On the bright side the stitching will do most of the holding and if the edges come loose I'll try the above. Thanks for the help as always.
  5. Sounds like what I'm looking for thanks, ps your sheaths look awesome.
  6. I am looking to attach some stingray to some gun grips and the do an overlay on a holster. I temporarily attached the skins to my guns grips with spray adhesive for the cutting(emt shears worked well) but I'm wondering the best way to do a permanent stick? Maybe an epoxy? Also I am looking to do an overlay on the holster with the stingray and I've seen inlays and people secure the hides with stitching but do you glue underneath to hold it tight? Thanks in advance
  7. I use real guns and tape a pen or pencil to the gun before molding. Its worked so far. Back when I used to do kydex I used a metal drill bit as I wasnt sure what the temps where going to do to a pen or pencil so if your doing a combo piece you might want to keep that in mind.
  8. Sorry I've been away for a bit thanks for all of the help.
  9. I'm no expert and I havent been at this long but I've been using 4-5 oz leather for my IWBs with success. I've made them for some seriously heavy guns and haven't had any issues. I would imagine for an OWB thicker would be better though.
  10. I posted this in the critique section and got views but no comments. Can someone please give me some input? I dont want to double post so heres the link. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=25002
  11. Great job. I'm by no means awesome and only have a few holsters in the wild but a tip I heard here that really helped with my stitch lines getting close to the gun was to do a quick non detailed wet mold first just to get the outline of the gun down and then you can do a stitch-line easily because you can see exactly where the leather will come together. Besides that it looks good. I take it you wrap the gun in saran wrap or something and wet mold over that? I personally like the detail that comes from oiling the pistol and molding without anything covering the gun but to each their own and as stated before I'm no where near a pro.
  12. Heres a pic of a holster I made with fiebings cordovan color. If your looking for a color reference there you go. I did a blend with black so the cordovan is obviously the red portion.
  13. I just might take you up on that thanks
  14. Alright I tried some tandy line 24 snaps as I couldn't find PTD snaps locally and the snap loops where more of a experiment. I like them and they arent loose or anything they actually hold pretty well. Thanks for the suggestions and I'll probably try to find PTD snaps some time in the future.
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