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The Texan

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Everything posted by The Texan

  1. Good morning; Got to you tube and search for leather splitters, there are some usable ones there that are home made. The Texan
  2. Jaymack Seen your post this morning, I am new to this site. If you will look at some of the older crafters, work. You will see the stop used especially on flowers. they were orginally used to stop a line where it formed the petal of a flower. If you look at a real flower sometimes you see a small circular area where the petal joins the main bud of the flower, that is where a stop us used. The Texan
  3. Hello NewYorkerInSydney Just this morning seen your post. If you are still looking, go to You tube and search for leather splitter, there are a couple of home made that will fill your bill for less than $10.00 US The Texan
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