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Everything posted by Grov

  1. http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p238/TRF102806/Facebook/Mobile%20Uploads/415093_448633865163373_100000502890049_1698392_1326860206_o.jpg My mistake. I thought I had. Here's a link.
  2. I'm trying to reproduce the straps to a purse my girl has had in her family for ages. I'm at a loss on where to find the brown snaps and rivets it used. I've checked all my usual sources plus a few more ebay/etsy/google searches but I'm still coming up with nothing. 10mm size. Need about a dozen of each. Snaps & Rivets. IF anyone has some or knows where I could get some, please help me out.
  3. Thanks guys. I don't come here as much as I probably should but it's nice to be welcomed. I've continued to practice and am currently on the hunt for a pattern or examples of a war belt. Wide like a girdle. It's for my renaisance garb.
  4. Been working leather for a couple months and I'm only enjoying it more and more. So many ideas, so little skill! I hope to pick all your brains a lot and maybe in time, be able to help out newbies like myself down the road.
  5. I've been unemployed a while and decided to take up a hobby to keep my hands and mind busy while I job hunt. I find myself chock full of ideas and not nearly the skill, yet, to get it all done. Here are a few of my pieces so far. Please be honest. I thrive on feedback. It'll only make me a better a better craftsman. That, and a lot more practice. As my skill and resources increase, I will only tackle more and bigger projects.
  6. Grov


    Various Hair Barrettes I have made
  7. From the album: Barrettes

    © © leatherworker.net

  8. From the album: Barrettes

    © © leatherworker.net

  9. Grov


  10. From the album: Belts

    © © leatherworker.net

  11. From the album: Belts

    © © leatherworker.net

  12. From the album: Barrettes

    © © leatherworker.net

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