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About pitersek

  • Birthday June 2

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Wroclaw - Poland
  • Interests
    Bags, knife sheaths, small accessories - wallets, card cases, glasses cases

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    knife sheaths
  • Interested in learning about
    bag & briefcases

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  1. I am not a maker of the knife, please notice different signatures on the sheath and the knife . I am just a leatherworker. You can buy pices like this already prepared to make handles with it. The material is mentioned by you aluminum honeycomb and most propably some kind of epoxy. I will ask the maker if you want. I assume that to get this fade effect it was easier to mix epoxy and insert the frame into it. Otherway with pouring into chambers of the comb the transition would not be so smoothe as it is here - but it is just my opinion based on looking at finished piece. Thank you for the kind words about the set! I will pass it to the maker!
  2. Thank you for the comments! I am really glad you like it!
  3. Thank you all for the kind words! Means a lot. I will try to post more of my works, although not all of them are as complex as this one. Haha, I know what you talking about We have familly in the States, everytime they come to visit us they say it - we love the food
  4. Hello, Another leather sheath form my workshop. I do not show a lot f my works, but this I decided to share. This one has inlay made with Indian Cobra leather, matching the handle of the knife. All stitched by hand. If you have any questions I gladly answer.
  5. It is Barry King cresent shell indeed! Number one, the smaler one. @RockyAussie thank you very much for sharing this story! Your friend sounds like a truly great person. I can only imagine how muchis he missed.
  6. Thanks guys! Means a lot! I am really glad you like it :). I must admit, stamping and antiquing on the dangler come out nice Thanks, I wasn't 100% sure about this color combination, but it come out well.
  7. Very nice briefcase! Love the interior, lined and finished with pockets and pen holders. One thing I would consider is rounding corners of the flap, since you rounded bottom corners of the briefcase. But this is a minor issue. Beautiful work!
  8. Wow, thank you all very much for such a kind words! Gary there was a range from 1 oz to 9 oz :). Back of the sheath (part with my logo) is about 9 oz, also as stitch protecting layers inside. Front tooled panel is about 5 oz, and the "frame" on the "face" of the sheath is 4 oz, belt loop is lined with very thin 1 oz layer of leather, skived by hand. Thanks man, my photography is never ending story of me being not happy with the results . Now I am able to make decent pictures when I go outside about one hour before the sun set . That is the time when pictures come out decent, other times - always something wrong. Thank you! No, the knife was made by Giedymin KApusciński - polish knife maker, I think you can find him on facebook. Lots of very nice knives in this style, and many others.
  9. Hello, I would like to present you my last work - knife sheath for a knife by polish knifemaker Giedymin Kapuscinski. Knife is Dunedain Fighter - Middle Earth Series. So I tried to make my sheath also in middleearth style. It is just my impression, I like to think that there once was an elf who carried set like this :). I used veg tan leather, fiebings oil dye, eco flo antique gel, and barry king stamp. All stitching is made by hand, using 9 SPI iron, and 6 SPI chisel. If you have any questions about technical issues - please ask, I will do my best to answer. It would mean a lot if you give me your thoughts about it!
  10. Wow, thank you guys! Really appreciate this!
  11. Thank you very much guys! Appreciate this!
  12. Hello guys, I registered my account here 8 years ago (just noticed it tooday) so I thought I finally share some of my stuff with you. Any feedback highly appreciated. I hope i did not broke any rules with my post... I recently made knife sheath for really nicie and big knife. Sheath itself is about 12 & 1/2" and whole piece with a belt loop is over 17". Weight of the set is about 21 oz, and almost 7 of it is a knife sheath. I stamped it with barry king stamps, and I must say - they are really nice! Stithed with 0,6 mm synthetic thread, with ~6 SPI. Hope you like it :). If you are interested in more pictures I added gallery link in my signature. P.
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