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Status Updates posted by BIGGUNDOCTOR

  1. Don't worry about the English, I don't speak Russian. Pictures work well for communicating some subjects. You do nice work, and I like the belt buckles that you use. I have not seen that style before.

  2. Tried making something different tonight for dinner, nopal tacos (cactus) pretty yummy.

    1. JRodz


      I love nopales, specially with pork spare ribs in a red chili sauce.

  3. What the heck is going on downin OZ? IS that place sinking into the ocean? Holy cow you are getting some major flooding that way. The desert can be a funny place. Dry as abone then too much water. Kind of like where I live. A half inch of rain will cause flash foods here.

  4. What is the stuff Snow that you all are talking about?

    1. Johanna


      I'll gladly introduce you to the shovel and ice scraper. Here are some warm gloves, too.

  5. RAIN RAIN RAIN= flooding. Where I work in Utah is getting ready for a possible dam break. Water over the top, and cracks in the dam. We are supposed to get at least another day of solid rain.

    1. Rhonda


      Sure hope Obama isn't gonna leave you guys high and dry, like he did Tennessee.

  6. My pad is a chunk of leather tossed on the desk top. Look sto be around 4oz, and soft.

    1. Anet du Toit

      Anet du Toit

      That souds about just right :-)

    2. Anet du Toit

      Anet du Toit

      I asked because I must expand my collection for the curio shops. It must be lightweight and not to expensive. So i thought a mouse pad could work. Everybody use one... or not? Any other Ideas? And everything must have the big 5 on them :-P

  7. 65 here with a forcasted high of 70. BRRRRRRR!

  8. Supposed to reach 70 today

  9. C'mon out to Las Vegas. 30's at night, 60's during the day,and no snow.

  10. Still hitting 80's here in NV, 60's at night. Brrrr!

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