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  1. That's an awesome Knife Sheath !
  2. I have a question, i made a lil coaster , how long do you need to let the finish dry on it before using it ? i let it dry for more that 24 hours and after my mom used it the color started to run !
  3. That's pretty cool, that will be another thing i would like to try some day .
  4. wow, that's awesome !!! Don't think i will ever be that good !
  5. I was wondering how do you get your shading on your leather work where it's smooth and consistant ? I'm new and i'm having a hard time with that. Mandy
  6. well i got some more stuff to practice on, still can't really get the shading stuff down tho ! :P

  7. Hey everyone, i have just recently started doing some leather stuff, if you have any pointers or whatever please let me know !

  8. welcome to the site

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