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    Gunleather .

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    Holsters / Gunleather

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  1. Thank you for the info , Bob . And that pic of how to make a steel liner , it cleared the whole idea with a glance. Why not to make whole holster steel lined like Arvo Ojala did ? JR
  2. Inspired by this thread , I am watching "The Wild Bunch" once again , and ... why this rig is called a "Wild Bunch" -rig ? I cannot see anybody carrying a 1911 in that way ; Angel is having kinda cross-draw version across his stomach . Pike having his in a shoulder holster , Lyle Gorch uses flap holster. Is it named so , because rig like that is used in the "Wild Bunch" - shooting competitions ? And Bob , this is an honest question with NO intention to mock nor to insult ya. JR (And hey , I have announced that I am just a shooter with no involved with SASS / CASS ... yet. )
  3. You will get one heck of a gun , then . Do not forget to post a pic , when it's done. I repeat : Do not leave the undercut out , it is a very important . https://www.google.fi/search?q=how+to+undercut+1911+trigger+guard&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:fi:official&client=firefox-a JR
  4. Good gun , one of mine is a Norc . Does not need much to be adjusted . There are a few good tricks to do ( or a gunsmith does) for it. Maybe most important is make the "undercut " to make the gun fit tightly in your hand . Another is to slicken and tighten the slide / frame sit together well , improves accuracy. I guess you shoot in "Traditional" ? JR
  5. If you can visit a shop with a skiving machine , buy the leather a bit thick and ask them to skive it to wanted thickness . The machine leaves a "clean shave" with no loose hairs. ( I can do that due the harness racing factory in my hometown . Bought my leather from there over 20 yrs now) The Dwight's wax+oil -trick works , too . I'd like to add : After add wax - scrub in - buff it ...put the holster in a fridge for a while ; the coldnesss stiffens the wax . About 10 minutes , take out and buff again . Repeat until satisfied. JR
  6. One more question ... from what factory is that .45 in the holster ? JR
  7. Thanks mate , but I have made .45 rig for myself ... just much simpler . Envy your abilty to make fine decor stamping *nods hat* . Mine are simple and rust-tank black but they do work. Only decor is the "gunfighter stitch" in the belt like in Clint's belt. I was at range today with my .45 enjoying shooting. I carry my.45 in high-ride ; just behind hip bone ( right word ?!) and ...quick draw-quick aim - BLAMM--BLAMM ! 74 rounds ; 70 hit the x from 16 meters ( that's 53ft4in for ya americans ) . Like our way to use those "wings" . Kinda the Andy Anderson did for the Clint Eastwood rig for his revolvers. Keep up the good work ! *Two thumbs up* JR
  8. Yep , Bob ... That is really a nice set . But I find one thing being awfully wrong ... it's YOUR rig ; not mine ! No fair JR
  9. You have a good taste for guns . I have Para Ordnance P 18.9 and very keen on it . Nice shark front , mate ! JR
  10. shot 390/400 pts today . only 5 out from X-area . Naturally , rig was made by myself . :) happyhappyjoyjoy !

  11. same in pictures .
  12. Being a fan of Clint Eastwood westerns , I wanted to do a stitch like that , too . It is in his gunbelt in most , if not all westerns . That Luke Hatley - post gave me an idea and I did a few tries succeeding at last . You need an arc ; height is equal of the height of wished pattern . So , In my case I used an arc 1" high and 4,5" length ( cut that from used pistol target using the arc from 8 - ring ) . Then drew two lines 1" apart . Drew set of arcs and when starting the other side , I used a square to get the points of a "diamond" in a vertically straight line . If the points are not aligned , the pattern does not look right . And after drawing... there I had my wished stitching pattern . Now a first belt having a fancy stitch like that is being stitched in a harness racing equipment factory in my HT . They have machines heavy enough for that . JR
  13. I have used stingray and used no extra finish . JR
  14. Which is a fact , it will shape to fit to YOUR waist. Just wear the belt , that's all it takes. JR
  15. Just came to my mind ... Which way you'd go in making a ccw belt when using exotic skins as a part of it : 1 ) 9-10 oz for belt , 4-5 oz for lining PLUS a decorative panel (stingray , shark ...) on top OR 1) 9-10 for a lining AND a heavy panel on that ( again shark / stingray ...) ? And yes , I'd like to use a decor like that , kinda hits my eye. Suggestions for thicknesses will be appreciated . My old belt has given me much more than suggested 5 or so years , but seems that I'll need a new one later.
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