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About Vaquero1

  • Birthday 08/08/1975

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Near Cologne, Germany
  • Interests
    Vaquero Horsemanship

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Braiding and Carving
  • Interested in learning about
    Braiding and Carving
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Yeah Bret, i really like all of your romals and that hide turns out very nice!!! i allways make some advertisement for you because a lot of people ask me about romals... and yours are the best i guess!!!! thanks for sharing, it´s very interesting for me greetings from germany Michael
  2. Wow, great work- thanks for sharing....
  3. Vaquero1


    great and simple idea- i like your hoofpick!!! thanks for sharing...
  4. thanks a lot for this very helpful information and sharing your knowledge!!!
  5. Vaquero1

    New Bosal

    good job Brad- i like the colors and your straight braiding...
  6. Vaquero1


    Hi Chuck, roo4u is right- this might be the wrong section... perhaps you should give "ray holes saddle butter" a chance- it´s the best for nearly everything!!!
  7. Awesome Rob!!! your braiding is so straight and it looks totally tight and equal... love your work!!!
  8. This is awesome!!! such a great job- i like it... huch much time needs it to build? and how do you make the foundation for this nice knots? i used athletic tape but im not sure if it stays in place...
  9. Vaquero1

    Using Cores

    Hi Yuliya, i think you need the "braiding Bible".... Take a look at Bruce Grant´s enceclopedia of rawhide and leatherbraiding. there you will find nearly everything you need and wanted to know.
  10. right Jamie, i totally agree with you- if you do it exactely like in Alans great tutorial you can´t do wrong Larena... i would choose 8 strands for your 3/4" project and use about 3/16" strands before beveling ( it´s way thinner afer soaping, streching and beveling...)) and about 6 feet long...
  11. Jamie, do you let the strings dry for a while after running trough saddle soap before beveling? it does not work well if it´s to wet, isn´t it?
  12. larena, i only bevel the flesh side on roo (or goatleather) but latigo looks nicer with beveled hair side too. my beveler has only a 45 degree but if i had the chance i would first bevel the flesh side- it´s easier to do it before beveling the hair side because the hairside gives the strand more strengh and pushes the fleshside down a little against the blade... than splitting and finally beveling the hairside 45 degrees to get a smoother rawhide look ;-)
  13. Hi Larena, i havent made a Latigo frame but i´ve seen some well made. they all had a beveled hair side. i´m not shure if the flesh side is beveled too but i think i would bevel it get a smoother braid. hope some other braiders read your question and may help ;-)
  14. Wow- i really like your awesome stuff!!!
  15. very cool Dano- i like your bracelet very much!!!
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