The other day I posted a note telling some of the things I have been going through with my cancer . Originally a fella from Ohio responded in a big way with a bunch of leather and supplies. I was amazed to say the least. I have never met this guy and he gave me 100$ worth of stuff.!! It kinda made me feel ashamed for asking for help. I really had'nt expected that much. Well I no sooner had the boxes thrown away than another person named Hilly sent me a message telling me to watch out for a package. Sure enough , this afternoon the ups guy pulls up again with another package!! More leather , more supplies ,more I can't believe it . Just when I think I got life figured out ; that it all just sucks, something like this happens and blows me away . Some total stranger comes along , goes way out of their way to help me out and asks nothing in return. Just tells me to do it for someone else when you can. How am I supposed to understand that?? Well here's what I do understand. There ARE good people left in this world. Usually they don't say much , their more the doer kind of folks Kinda off to the side a little out of the might say.But they are there just the same and I thank God that He keeps making them cause when you need them , you really need them. And they come thru. THANK YOU FERG AND HILLY, MY TWO BEST FRIENDS. GREG DITTON