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Everything posted by Trapsdog

  1. Nice work KT, your rigs are always over the top.
  2. Hey nice belt, where in IA, I'm in the DM area
  3. Kid, I am so sorry to learn of the loss of your friend Dave. R.I.P. Dave
  4. All comments are welcome Thanks T-Dog
  5. Very nice work, I can't imagine how long that took to lace.
  6. Luckydan The ones Tandy sells are ok, if you bought a couple of them you can file/sand them into the shape you need. Good luck Tdog
  7. Dragonspit You can lace that way but it is a pain, I cut 6 ft. off the spool lace that then dry splice should be a section in your book about splicing, also if you have some white saddle soap it helps to rub some on your lace before you start and while lacing. Good luck. Tdog
  8. Luckydan Nice design, your beveling around simi valley is a little choppy try using your modeling spoon to smooth out the tool marks next time, the lacing work must have taken many hours.
  9. I apply finish before braiding, lacing or sewing. Resoline can be tricky to apply if you are wiping it on as it will lift some of the dye or stain.
  10. Nice work Grizz, I'm sure your friends dad will cherish the knife and sheath.
  11. That is some fine gun leather!!
  12. That is cool, great work!!
  13. Check out-how I make a belt tutorial
  14. Thanks Haystacker The tooling design is a tattoo.
  15. Thanks RWP, retention on this one not so hot I didn't mold it much on the front would have distressed the toolng, so it needs the backstrap. With more moulding and another line of stiching closer to the barrel and trigger guard I think retention would be improved.
  16. Just a kit holster, first one, learned alot, comments welcome
  17. That is a great idea Ed, very nice mauls.
  18. Bobby The arrowhead basketweave is a very good question, I struggled with this too. The angle of your stamp cannot be greater than 1/2 of the length of your stamp, scribe a centerline and at the strarting point place the center of the stamp exactly across the centerline tip the handle towards you at about 45 degrees and strike very lightly with your mallet, now place the top of your stamp on the centerline and the bottom of the stamp on the end of the horizontal mark you made. That should be the correct angle. I hope this helps. TDOG
  19. If you would like to see a pair of bald eagles building a nest, Google- Decorah Iowa eagle nest. It is a live webcam of the nest with a ptz capability, they are very close to nesting with eggs. I have had good luck viewing from 1:00 pm till 4:00 pm, but you never know. Enjoy!!!!
  20. Nice seat. What kind of bike is it for?
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