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About PapaSmurf

  • Rank
    New Member
  • Birthday 10/26/1943

Contact Methods

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Melbourne, somewhere over the rainbow
  • Interests
    Leather crafting, especially Sheridan style, black powder shooting, antique firearms & cutlery,good literature, anything art nouveau, Bluegrass music, Gibson mandolins & Martin acoustic guitars, Cantonese food, the Outback, Dobermanns & stuff like that.

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Western Gun Leather & Guitar Straps
  • Interested in learning about
    Finer points of Sheridan style design
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Just surfing!
  1. Really like the Mucha interpretation. What background tool did you use in front of the face & in the circles? Looks great.

  2. Still new at this particular site so apologies if this is posted incorrectly. A fair amount of my work is for carved blackpowder holsters. I use heavy 5-6 mil natural bridle leather as it carves well and cases well. Unless requested otherwise, I always line the hogleg western styles as many of the guns are blued as per original, rather than stainless steel. Unlined holsters will soon rub that bluing off!. Favourite lining material is Veg tanned kangaroo...quite thin but strong & pliable...also takes colour well. DO NOT use chrome leather of any description for holster linings, it is full of salts that will bleed out in due course and do bad things to metal. Oil the lining to discourage moisture which is also unkind to blued or browned steel. If you are unable to find 'roo skins (is it a banned import over there?) , try thin Veg tanned deerhide. It's not as good, being less pliable and tears easily. I also line my shoulder rigs and concealed outfits as you can never be too kind to your gun.Will post photos of some of my holsters etc. when I can get a child to drive this thing for me. Best Regards. Papa Smurf
  3. PapaSmurf


    Superb design and balance, beautifully crafted and presented. Amongst the very best I have seen. Congratulations!
  4. G'day Knuckles...very interesting ideas & attack - the more I look at your project, the more little tricks I see. Methodolgy is far from traditional & you obviously nutted out how to work in some individual concepts to a formalized aesthetic. Like it. PapaSmurf
  5. Abbey Saddlery carry double tongue buckles They are a UK firm.. I'm in Australia but buy their buckles for Sam Browne parade quality military belts. Beautiful cast brass jobs but they only supply to the trade. Since you are a Pom, you should be able to phone them & sort something out. If you bomb out there (you shouldn't), there are other Sam Browne 2 tongue buckle makers in the UK... Google "Sam Browne" & you will find something. Good luck with you search, Regards PapaSmurf
  6. G'day there Leatherworker moderators. A couple of days ago,on one one of your sites, there was a photo of a "side-slung" semi-pancake style sheath for what looks like a Leatherman Wave. It is very similar to my work & I would like to see it again for comparison. Would you kindly point me to the correct site please.. Also, some time ago, you referenced a Japanese craftslady concentrating on Art Nouveau based design work... another subject I experiment with. Would you please provide me with a link , as I cannot find any references to or the name of this girl. Is she on any particular Forum or whatever? Your assistance would be much appreciated. Pete Jepson aka PapaSmurf Name: Pete Jepson aka PapaSmurf UserName: PapaSmurf IP Address: Email Address: peterjepson@comcen.com.au
  7. Welcome aboard fellow Scorpio

  8. G'day Doc,

    You sound like a curmudgeonly old bugger like me..welcome. I build mainly holsters also - biggest so far was a shoulder rig for a BFR .45-70. Customer was a little feller... the piece was bigger than him. Took a lot of leather. He loved it...stretched from his armpit to below his knee (well, not quite) but you get the picture. Made him look mean.

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