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About douglais

  • Rank
  • Birthday 01/18/1948

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  • Interests
    Viking Age living history, cross country skiing, kayaking, merchanting at Renaissance Fairs

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    medieval leather helmets

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  1. Yeah, Sturgis was unbelievably expensive, but I found out there's a bike rally right here in Peoria, the Budweiser Grand Nationals, in August. The fee is about one thirtieth (1/30) of Sturgis, and it's big enough to keep me busy for months making product before the show. No driving, no camping, low fees, sleep in my own bed, eat at home. What's not to love?
  2. Still a little hard to see details, but congrats on the armor! Takes a lot of work to get that stuff to articulate in the shoulders. You husband must be pleased.
  3. Good question Ambassador, and I agree, but that's the way they're shown in the old artwork. It's speculated that it was intended for use from horseback where the incoming thrusts wouls be from below. So, I just stuck with the historic info It actually makes for a little more mobility when bending forward. The lames stack up on the outside of the armor, not on the inside, pressing into your guts. Also, the price was $150, not $250. Twin Oaks, indeed. It took me about 12 hours, over a few days to lace it all together.
  4. Pics of my lamellar armor, based on Byzantine paintings and sculptures. Maybe not a work of art, like so many other items on this forum, but functional, comfortable, and historical. About 300 wax hardened plates in the piece. I didn't make them, but purchased them for $250, then laced them together. No dye, just the natural color of waxed leather. I love wearing this piece because it just feels like it grew on me like a shell.
  5. Bobhur, I made the pouch you described, and it's as advertised. Hangs nice, is easily accesible, and it's secure. I've been frustrated for years, trying to make pouches like this easy to use, and you hit it perfect, Dude.
  6. Thanks for the excellent advice. I never thought of that. Anyway, I won't be going to Sturgis after all, since some plans I had changed, so it's a no-go for now.
  7. Good advice...a simpler brain bucket, and CYA labels.
  8. I love the look! It's very bold, in not hiding how it's constructed. It's staying true to the materials, and not trying to hide the fastenings. The art is in showing a little bit of clunkiness with finesse. Excellent balance of both!
  9. Thanks folks. Part of me, after counting the cost, wants to boldly jump into the craziness, and part of me wants to play it safe, and sit at home and take in a couple internet orders. I've never really regretted a bold venture out.
  10. I'm thinking of taking my leather helmets to Sturgis next year, but it's extremely expensive to get in as a merchant. I'm not a biker, I'm more of a living history guy, so I'd like any opinions on whether these helms would be something a biker would like. They're not DOT approved, but I didn't think that would be a consideration for anybody who wanted one. My website is "http://leatherhelms.com". I appreciate any input. Doug Lais
  11. I love the look. Very Norse style scabbard attachment system. I'm gonna steal your idea of using the leather tabs to hold the rings. I've only seen the brass tabs. I bet they don't let you onto the field of combat with that sharp knife?
  12. My philosophy is, if I keep filling it with beer, nobody will notice what coating I used.
  13. 'fraid youstumbled onto a subject that has been hotly debated for a long time in many forums. It's also one place where those who know, and who sell their mugs, tend to keep their mouths shut. It's a big secret, even among otherwise friends. Some of them use Envirotex, which is an epoxy-like coating used in food preparation areas, such as counter tops, but not meant for use on actual eating or drinking utensils. The only modern truly food safe coating I've found is Salad Bowl Finish...a shellac-like coating found only in fine woodworking shops. I use it in drinking horns. I know nothing about period coatings, except they're either too fragile (wax), or not safe (tar).
  14. Try this link, "http://forums.armourarchive.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=144836&p=2201087&hilit=+glue+hardening#p2201087". If that doesn't work, search the word "hardening", and look for a thread in Jan, Feb 2012, "Hardening Leather: the finer points".
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