I'm fortunate to still have my own WWII veteran in the next room from me. Mom, now age 93, was a Marine supply Sargent in WWII and while her memory of many things fades daily, she has never forgotten her service as a Marine. While my other Marine, Dad, has been gone a long while, I still miss him, and admire him. Thank you all, veterans and current military members, for all you have done for our country. I am humbled by your service to all of us.
Semper Fi !
By the way, Frank, (that was also my Dad's name) I love the Jeep. . . I know how much work was involved in that restoration . . . friend and I have just begun restoration of a 59 Chev Apache Panel and we'll be at it a good long while, I imagine. Your restoration was clearly a labor of love. Thanks for sharing. Viking Queen