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About hollyg

  • Birthday 12/30/1961

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  • Gender
  • Location
    ferndale California
  • Interests
    art quilts,dogs,art shows,people,making art, teaching myself to make leather bags......making new friends

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    women's handbags
  • Interested in learning about
    painting on leather,how to figure out my pfaff 145 PLEASE

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  1. Hi Wiz, I talked to Bob so now I have to save some money . thankyou, Holly
  2. I do want a portable machine the only reason I mentioned a boss because it looks like it would be easier to transport.... I am not sewing a lot of slippery leather. So you think the ones Bob sells would be the best? I am condused my juki 98-qe has a attachment for a walking foot BUT it's a nightmare because the leather gets stuck not because it's too thick it's just not made for it. I guess on my pfaff 145 when I sew throu layers it evenly goes throu,I guess it is a jumping foot,yikes it knows how to grab ur fingers!!!But I love it.....I'll keep u posted thanku for ur help....
  3. Hi Wiz, Thankyou for the reply,hhhhmmmmmm I have bought a juki 98 quilter's edition from ebay and it works great for my quilting. I have been ripped off ROYALLY from the shop in Eureka Boyd's sewing center I bought 3 berninas (one was $3000) I wore them out and killed them it didn't do me any good giving them my money,it just funded the fat store owner's collection of Greasy diamonds on his fat short hands YUCK and he was always trying to touch me when I went in his store!!!! So you see the kind of work I do? What do think would be good ? Something not too big remember I am mostly sewing thinner leathers and something under $2000? My friend who fixes machines has a singer 16-88 which really has a built-in walking foot. It cracks me up on ebay they advertise machines that sew leather and they don't even have a built in walking foot. I've had pretty good luck with that pfaff 145 I bought on ebay for $350........ Do you think I should save for a tippman boss does anyone sell those used? Anyway I appriciate your help and time !!!!!!!Does the Toledo industrail sewing machines have a website?.Thankyou again and kind regards, Holly
  4. Fantastic!!!!!! How many Hours?\ Holly
  5. Thankyou Ken I appreciate the comment!!!!!Here's another picture.... Do you like to work with leather?
  6. Hello I am not a expert but I do know you can change the pulley to reduce the speed and I do know they make motors that go in variable speed.. And the best advice is everyone here on this site is very helpfull!!!!Good-luck, Holly
  7. Hello everyone, I have been on here before. My question is what would be the best portable sewing machine that has a built in walking foot. I will not be sewing Chaps,saddles or belts. I mostly will be sewing upholstry weight leather thou sometimes I will be sewing many layers,I am mostly going to make purses,leather corsets......etc......... And does anyone know of a machine that is heavy duty enough for doing free-motion on leather if you look at my pictures you can see the detail? I have a industrial pfaff 145 that wieghs a million pounds.The reason I need a portable is I would like to sew in my little gallery in front of the public..Any Advce is welcome!!!!! I have been looking at the sailrite portable machines on ebay but I have seeen some people on this site say they are not a good machine....... I work as a clerk in astore but I really want my own business so bad before I turn 50 at the end of the year. The funny thing is I have no idea WHY I am so obsessed.....????? oppppssss I forgot to say Thankyou! Holly
  8. Hello I see you have alot of machines ,do you have any portable sewingmachines with a built-in walking foot for sale ?Do you have a website?



  9. How much are you selling this one for ,are putting them on ebay?
  10. Hi Holly. Thank you for the add!

  11. hollyg


    Thnkyou Fred,They are the joy of my life! Walking all 5 can be challenging?How many small dogs do you have?
  12. Beutifull,this really inspires me!!!!Nice work!
  13. Bob, Wht size needles do you suggest for my machine and also what kind of thread. I will be sewing light to medium leather.Can I purchase this stuff on your site? Thankyou, H
  14. Hi Bob, I think I fixed It!!!!!!!I took the parts under the boobin apart,cleaned them nd put them back so now the machine is stitching. The machine model is a pfaff 145-H3-6/1c. I bought it on ebay for $350 dollars I think I got bargin.Wht do you think I only want to stitch light to medium weight leather for purses. The needles they sent me are 130/21 The stitch legnth is long.Any information you can give me will be appriated. Thankyou, Holly
  15. I figured out the timing is wrong with my pfaff 145. I coul probably fix it if I knew how to look up my machine on the pfaff website. I do have the instruction manual,I need the service manual which they offer for free on the pfaff website,I just can't figure out what my machine type or contol type is? when I type in pfaff 145 nothing comes up?Please help or if you have advice on how to fix the timing please let me know. Thankyou and kind regards, Holly
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