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Everything posted by vaguesilhouette

  1. Hey! Wow, there are a lot of Afrikaners around here. My parents are from Rhodesia and i use to come visit Cape Town every year.

  2. the gears came from a tandy pattern i found but this is my own layout. the pattern is called "steampunk" Craftaid No. 76605
  3. FMA is Full Metal Alchemist, for anyone that was wondering. its a very popular anime... this is a keychain i made for my roommate who loves the series.
  4. Hey, thats actually the way i was thinking of redesigning the entire piece, referring to the layered thumb cover. that makes it looks much nicer btw. totally agree with you on the rubbish pattern as well... but its not a bad starting place if you have no idea what you're doing. =P oddly enough, i had also considered doing a triweave pattern on my hand piece but decided in the end i needed practice tooling so went with the wing design instead. looks pretty awesome
  5. Yeah, i'm not in any SCA type activities atm, but i like them... i use to dagorhir in KC but haven't in a few years. if i did start up again i'd pad it pretty seriously. any functional armor i'll probably make with actual liner or covered padding =P i did actually play around with what it would be like wearing it and punching something... it was painful, lol. rough dry leather doesn't feel pleasant against your knuckles.
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