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Clay B

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  1. Thank you everyone for responding. I just got back home from a unexpected trip out of state to help a family member. Clay
  2. I've used deglazer to remove top coats and some water based dyes. But, have had limited degree of sucess removing oil or spirit based dyes. Deglazer smells kind of like my wife's nail polish remover (acetone). I think acetone could be the main part of the solution in the Deglazer formula (?).
  3. Thanks for the info. It seems to me that I tried Sno-Seal a long time ago and it left a oily film. Maybe I put too much on (???). But, in your experience have you found that it leaves an oily film? The holster will be worn on the belt and under a shirt or jacket and I don't want to chance the finish bleeding through the garmet. Thanks. Clay
  4. The size of the picture was just right. The close-up allowed me to be able to see the sheen of the finish. I got to be wondering latter today about maybe just using light coat of neatfoots oil straight from the bottle for a top coat (?). Have you had any experience along thoes lines?
  5. Thank you for the picture. Very handsome look gun rig. Did you dilute the Bage Kote any or, use it straight from the bottle? According to Fibing's book 'Fantastic Finishes' Bag Kote was invented as a leather treatment for the US Mail Carrier's mail bags some 80 years ago. From your picture I now know what type of a finish to expect. I'll pick some up. Thanks again. Clay
  6. Hi All! I need a little help trying to find a top finish that has a dull or soft non-polished looking finish. I would like to have some type of protective top coat for the leather as this is for a concealed carry holster. I've tried Tandys Satin Sheen and Fiebing's Tan Kote and Fiebing's Leather Balm w/Atom Wax. I'm not having much luck as all of them seem to produce a semi-gloss to high polished sheen. I would sure appreciate any suggestions anyone might have for a protective finish that does not leave a shine. Thanks. Clay
  7. Pete: Thanks for the info and reply. I guess I'll have to play around with the idea and see what happens.
  8. 'Morning All, Thinking about mixing neatsfoot oil into Fiebing's spirit dye prior to spraying it onto a holster. Has anyone tried this? Thoughts? Comments? Results? Thanks
  9. Thank you everyone for the replies. I think now I'll have to go out and buy one just to see if I can't make it work as well as been reported. Clay
  10. Morning all, I'm wondering if anyone has tried using food vacuum sealer storage freezer bags like you see at Costco/Sams Club for wet molding holsters? Results? Thanks.
  11. Art: Thanks for the info. I check around and find the products to give them a try. Clay Reaper: Thanks for the info. Clay
  12. Hi Art, Thanks for the info. I would like to try some Kiwi Universal Shoe Stretch. Where do you think that I can purchase it from? Does the Bee Natural mix that you add to the solution allow the leather to take a dye? Clay
  13. Thank you everyone for all the replies and input. Art: Streching fluid? Is there a special solution to apply to leather that assists in streching to help wet mold forming? Brand name?
  14. Thank you for the rapid replies. I was thinking about using a light application of neatsfoot oil just before dyeing to avoid the leather from drying-out too much. So, I'm glad to hear that I'm on the right track. Clay
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