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Anet du Toit

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Status Updates posted by Anet du Toit

  1. Happy B-Day LW!! :-)

  2. Did the John Deere for valentines day! That was quite a challenge :-)

  3. What do I hear about a coaster challenge?

  4. Unfortunately my friend on FB don't like it at all!! Just the few leatherworkers...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. joet


      I wouldn't worry about your FB friends. If you enjoy doing it, then do it and be happy.

    3. CitizenKate


      Your skulls are the best ever, Anet.

      I usually don't much like them, but I

      like yours.

    4. Anet du Toit

      Anet du Toit

      Thank you :-) You make me really feel better!!

  5. Made another skeleton!! :-)

    1. bkingery


      HAAA and you said you wouldn't do another one, I like em.

  6. So Spiderflesh George challenged me to make something with a skull. So I made it :-) But only this once.... haha it was fun but is very time consuming!!

  7. So I did the mouse pad :-)

    1. bkingery


      Oh yeah I LOVE the lion I am a LEO thru and thru

  8. Thank you everybody:-) Nice to be here!

  9. Did anyone ever tried to make a pc mouce pad? Think it would work or sell?

  10. Why is there a chat option if nobody is available to chat? :-(

  11. Why is there a chat option if nobody is available to chat? :-(

  12. Finished all my Christmas orders :-D

  13. Come visit South Africa people!! It's summer here hahaha :-D

  14. Hope you have a wonderfull productive week !! ;-)

  15. Heya!! So kan jy afrikaans praat? Nice to meet you!! Hope to see some of your work very soon ;-)

  16. What can i use on natural veg to keep it from darkening in the sun or with time? Would like to keep it as light as it is at the moment...

    1. ClayB


      The only thing I know of is to paint the entire surface of the leather with acrylic paint. For the areas you want to stay natural color, mix paint that matches the color of the natural leather.

    2. Anet du Toit

      Anet du Toit

      I suppose that will be the only way... Thank you Clay

  17. I posted a lion I did not long ago. I still have the first lion I ever made.... can't sell it because it look like a poodle!! hahaha

  18. Heya!!

    I posted a bible cover with a lion on just for you... hahaha enjoy!!

  19. Do you know what is really funny? When people ask if i burn the images on the leather :-P... How do you burn white... green... yellow... ????

  20. hey Clay. thank you :-) It seems that I fix with a paintbrush what i cant carve... Is that bad? Or cheating? Just wondering haha

  21. What will you use to stiffen a file? something thin but won't bend?

  22. What will you use to stiffen a file? something thin but won't bend?

  23. I still don't know why people view your work but don't take the time to make a comment....

    1. jinrui73


      Your work is fantastic! As far as comments go I,ve seen jlsleather leave several comments about your work in the "recent status updates" little sidebar thing. Maybe some people don't feel comfortable leaving comments, they just want to admire the workmanship and move on to the next pic.

    2. Anet du Toit

      Anet du Toit

      Yup!! That must be it :)


  24. Is there anyone from South Africa?

  25. Haha thanks JL. The is a lot of views but no comments.... Why is that?

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