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Travis Fry

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Everything posted by Travis Fry

  1. Joel, I left the pricing off for a reason. There are so many variables that affect price (type of steel, handle material, guards, etc) it's difficult to say without specific details. That said, they usually go between $150 and $250, depending on the details. I'm not currently taking orders because I simply don't have a lot of spare time right now, but I can put you on the email list for early dibs at whatever I come up with. I appreciate your asking. Travis Fry
  2. I make knives, and making sheaths was how I got into leather work. Here is a picture that has my most recent of both. Travis Fry www.travisknives.com
  3. Welcome to the forum. I got into leather like you, through knifemaking. I wasn't aware that knifemaking was such a big thing in Turkey. I've corresponded with Emre Kipmen a little on Bladeforums, and he seems like a nice guy.
  4. Good eye. I'm actually quite surprised you spotted that. It's easy to stretch and shift patterns with photoshop. Well, for my wife it is, anyway. That background took me about an hour an a half with a tiny brush, but it was worth it.
  5. This is my first real foray into leather carving other than a few oak leaves on scraps and a small flask I posted a while back. I had a bit of trouble with the burnishing and the liner, but I think I like the way it turned out.. What do y'all think?
  6. This is my first attempt at carving anything leather-wise. I got into leather because I had to make sheaths for the custom knives I make, and it kinda escalated from there. I've got a great carved project in mind that I'll post as soon as I get done, but in the meantime, here is something to look at. I apologize if it is too large.
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