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Peter Darby

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Status Updates posted by Peter Darby

  1. Been trying to make a new quiver but cataracts kept me from starting. Eye fixed and ready to go and I find I have to make a pilgram's bag 1st. Oh well, Life is.

    1. Sylvia


      Congrats on the new vision!!

  2. I am starting a edge binding for a pouch flap that will have no stitch line underneath it. I saw it done years ago and never since. It took me an hour or more to figure out how it is done. But I think it will turn out all right.

    1. Luke Hatley

      Luke Hatley

      waiting for the photos....

    2. Anacott Steel
    3. Sylvia


      photos and tutorial to match please.

  3. I seldom watch things about 911, nor do I talk much about it. On Wednesday after the plane hit the pentagon I went to the Sheraton Inn where we established the Joint Family Assistance Center and spent the next month working with the families of the Pentagon casualties. No press was ever allowed in and very few stories leaked out. However, I will say that I was very surprised by the number of famous people who came without any other agenda than to try to help out. There was one very famous...

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