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Oak Grove Leather Works

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Everything posted by Oak Grove Leather Works

  1. I have sold all of my stamps.
  2. Lowered the price to $45 shipped within the US of A.
  3. Those are excellent! You need to find a knife maker to work with so you have an excuse to make lots of those when you retire.
  4. Rivets are all gone. Snaps still available at a reduced price of "make me an offer".
  5. Ah ha! Thank you very much. Glad to know the procedure. Cheers!
  6. I've clicked everything and looked everywhere, and found some useful ways to arrange information, but still no way to edit a post I made, or remove one when I sell an item. I don't want to be one of those guys who leaves ads up when the items have already been sold. Thanks for your help! Steve
  7. Offering all the snaps and rivets I could round up. There are 600-700 rivets of various colors; mostly gun metal black. Over 200 assorted Line 20 and Line 24 snaps in brass, antique brass, gold plate, and nickel. The ne pack of about 100 nickel has the shorter shaft for thinner leather. The other Line 24s are 5/16 shaft. All together 3 3/4 pounds of stuff. Also selling the rivet-set type of magnetic snap. I used these for cell phone case flap snaps and so forth. I have about 90+ of these plus some extra bits and bobs. I'm pricing it as a quantity of 80. Buy the whole lot at $135, including shipping in the US of A. Ask questions, make an offer, throw money... Cheers! Steve
  8. Shipping price is for US.
  9. Thank you! That is exactly what I was after.
  10. Thanks for the advice and the link! That's a great way to do it. I'm going to make mine cheap, too. I no longer have a need for any of it, and My wife wants the spare room back! Marital harmony above recouping money I spent a decade ago.
  11. Ah, thanks. US at that price. Is there any way to edit my other posts to include that? I made that mistake on all of them.
  12. Hi! I'm listing a number of things for sale because I am closing my "shop" (read spare bedroom), and I am having a hard time tracking what I have posted. Is there any way to see all of my posts in one place? I've missed a few messages from not being able to track things. Many thanks! Steve
  13. I collected a number of pattern sets over the years which, due to closing the business, I don't need any more. There is a list below with original retail costs. I would like to sell them all in one bunch, if I can, maybe to someone who is starting out, or who is teaching. They make a nice library. The pattern packs all contain multiple patterns or multiple sizes, as appropriate. I have used some, others I haven't, but they are all complete. The original costs total up to $144, but I would like to sell the whole lot for$45 including shipping in continental USA. That's just over four bucks a piece. Tandy Leather: Vest Pattern Pack #6001-00, $6.99 Men's Vest Pattern Pack #62666-00, $6.99 Rifle Case #6028-00, $6.99 Horse Tack Accessory #6025, $6.99 Will Ghormley Patterns Cowboy Cuffs, 12 patterns and tooling guide, $40.00 Law Dog Holster, Patterns to fit 25 popular pistols, with two tooling patterns, $40 Springfield Leather Company, Motorcycle Accessories Pattern and Instruction Pack, Saddle bags, roll bags, swing arm bags, tool bags, $23 Al Stohlman's book "How to Make Holsters" , Craftool #40, Complete instructions for every step from drawing to stitching and tooling. Very complete guide. $13 Cheers! Steve
  14. I have a bag of 75 standard holster clips to sell. The price around the Interweb is around $1.29 to $1.69 or more each. Buy them all for $45, including shipping. That is $.60 each or basically $.50 each plus shipping in continental USA. Cheers! Steve
  15. I sold seven of the gun molds. The ones I have left are Glock 26, Glock 43, Ruger LC9, M&P Shield , and the Ruger Super Red Hawk. Thanks! -Steve
  16. Offering a Craftool rotary punch. This is the better quality model. It has been used seldom and is in excellent condition. $34 plus $6 shipping
  17. In my heroic quest to sell all of my leather crafting supplies and goods, I am now selling my holster molds. The blue guns are retailing for low to upper $50's at Galls and other places. I'm offering mine at $30 each. The green ones sell for a bit less, so mine are $25. The two odd colors are also $25 each. Five Blue guns: Glock 26, Sig P228, Springfield XD9, Smith and Wesson .38 revolver, and a Colt Python .367 Five Green Guns: S&W M&P Shield 9mm, Kimber Ultra Raptor II, Glock 43, Glock 48, and a Ruger LC9 with Crimson Trace (The Kimber is labeled wrong in the photo. It is an Ultra Raptor II, not a Pro Carry) One Grey Gun: CZ 75 Compact One light green gun (Cold Steel brand): Ruger Super Red Hawk with 7" barrel Feel free to make a reasonable offer on all of them. I'll ship them for whatever the USPO charges me. Cheers! Steve
  18. Craftool four piece set. It makes a nice barbed wire border, with two types of barbs. Without the barbs, I have used it as a rope border for Western or nautical themes. Offering the set for $20 plus $5 shipping. Thanks! Steve
  19. Dwight- Thanks for the advice. I think I will do just that. I'm trying to avoid the pain and suffering of taking 100 pictures of the tools and uploading them, but I imagine I can cut that down by offering pics of a group and offering individual prices. Maybe a set of six backgrounders in different sizes and grain, or six different sized pear shaders, or that sort of thing. The "3D" stamps I'll price individually. I think the "Rivets by the Pound" is a good idea. Here is what I have, at this price. Anyway, excellent advice, and I appreciate it. --Steve
  20. Offering John Bianchi's great course on holster making. This DVD set teaches how to make a western six-shooter holster and a really nice gun belt with bullet loops. The instructions and video are really detailed. Three DVD instruction set, plus "Interview With a Legend" DVD. Also included is Chan Geer's hard to find DVD on Sheridan carving. All five DVDs for $80 plus $5 shipping. I will be selling all of my leathermaking tools and supplies, and I'm just getting started. Feel free to contact me if you are looking for anything in particular.
  21. I know there is a thread for selling things, but before I dip my toes in those waters, I'd like some advice on how to go about it. I am getting out of the trade/hobby/obsession, and have lots of findings like assorted rivets and snaps, for example. Should I offer those as a single lot for a good "wholesale" deal, or in smaller quantities so people can get just what they need? Same with stamps; 100 assorted stamps, or smaller groups/individual stamps? Just curious what would be most likely to spark interest. Thanks!
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