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Everything posted by simran

  1. This is an old post but I needed to jump in here somewhere. I was reading a post a few days ago about modifications to one of these machines. One of the posters has made mods. to his/her machine and had put links to pictures. I could not access the pics. because I wasn't a member; now I'm a member and can't find the string that I wanted. So . . . .This string had lots of talk about these portable walking foot machines (I have one) and one person in particular had put up pics of mods they'd done to theirs. I just ordered a monster wheel for my old Thompson. I know it's old because the upper tension is on the very left end of the machine instead of over the foot assembly on the left front. I also would like to find the original bobbin winder & plastic plate that goes over it if anyone has one of these parted out. When I got this machine someone had bounced it off the floor and it landed on the bobbin winder. I put one in from another machine but it is juussst not quite right!! Simran
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