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About emmanuelleather

  • Birthday 09/15/1959

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    Columbus, OH

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  1. There is a couple on Facebook Marketplace in the Columbus, Ohio area who are giving away Granite slabs of various sizes. I saw at least a dozen in the 18 x 24" size. They would really appreciate getting rid of them and are asking the right price; free!
  2. Thanks Bob, that was very helpful. Something I, also, have been looking for.
  3. Alex- As "The Hitch Hikers Guide" says, "Don't Panic". Good bookkeeping is important but it's not as hard as you are imagining. There are many good free accounting programs (ie Mint) but investing in Quickbooks or Quicken for Home and Business would not be a bad idea. You just need to get in the habit of inputting data. Open a separate business account with a bank and you can download account transactions directly into the software. I am not an accountant but those who are tell me that the IRS is more concerned that you tell them all the money you make and that your deductions make sense than if your accounting method is modern. Throwing your receipts in a shoebox is a perfectly viable accounting method. Use TurboTax. It asks all the questions you need to answer for a small business run out of your home. Lots of people do this and we are not business or tax geniuses, Trust Me On This! Good luck to you, Stay Calm.
  4. The tool you are looking for is called a stencil cutter. It cuts through leather like buttah. Yes, you can get one at Michaels or Hobby Lobby. Michaels usually has a 40% off coupon in the paper.
  5. Douglais- Take it from somebody who has been to a lot of biker rallies as a vendor; there are a host of large biker rallies you should try first before Sturgis or Daytona. It will save you money and give you a better idea of what the market is. A lot of states have "Too Poor for Sturgis" rallies, Laconia in NH, The Carlyle rally in PA, to name just a few. And yeah, the helmets with horns would more than likely sell well.
  6. Mrs. Barry- Ohioians for Concealed Carry (www.ohioccw.org) has an extensive holster maker list at http://ohioccwforums...hp?f=10&t=24991 I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for but it sure is a wealth of information.
  7. You might try http://www.barneysle...cle-jacket.html
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