Michael, I dont know if your response was to me or someone else, but I wanted to clarify that in my question, no one is using designs from Tandy. I'm strictly referring to the use of decorative spots, rivets, conchos, etc available from Tandy. For instance, store XYZ creates leather dog collars and decorates them with brass spots available for purchase from Tandy. They placed these brass spots in a pattern they chose. Store XYZ then sells these collars on their website for a set price. Now another store ABC see's these collars and realizes that all the spots used are available from Tandy and decides to duplicate the same pattern as seen on XYZ's website and also sell them. My question is if duplicating a pattern in this manor is wrong? All the spots are purchased from Tandy for both parties, so I dont understand if the order they are placed is copyrighted and can't be duplicated. If it is wrong, where does it stand on offering plain leather collars, leashes, belts, etc as I'm sure someone owns the right to every kind of plain leather strip with a buckle on it.
I hope that makes it easier to answer.