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  1. Beautiful holster. I want one for my 17!
  2. no. no drill press. I liked the set up you have on your video...
  3. Particle, Thanks for the critiques. Not sure how far the stiching line is. Kind of just eyed it. Didnt want to put it to close and risk screwing it up when it came to finishing the edges. Yeah. Still trying to work out the burnishing issue. I really dont have very good tools. Just basic ones. So for burnishing I was just using a dremel with sandpaper bit. Then used a metal bit as the finisher Getting it wet all the while and then using a little gum tra(sp) on it. . I didnt have anything to get a nice round edge. When u gonna dabble in IWB. Would love to see what you come up with!
  4. Thanks. 2 coats satn sheen and a coat of resolene...
  5. Thanks to some of Member Particles information..... I am pretty happy with it..
  6. Any chance you could tell us (or me) how you are finishing your holsters? What products are you using to get that beautiful finish? Looks awesome... Thanks... Mac
  7. I have been using a speedy stitcher for my last few holster projects and joining this forum has taught me that I should be sewing a saddle stitch by hand. Can someone please post the basic tools necessary for saddle stitch holsters by hand.? Thanks!
  8. Not sure that I do. Thanks for the pics when you get a chance!
  9. Also, Any advise on snaps? I could barely get these snaps to clear the leather... i would like to use some sort of removable snap for different belt sizes...
  10. Still trying to figure out how to finish the holster, but I like the rugged look...
  11. Still trying to figure out how to finish the holster, but I like the rugged look... [/img] [/img]
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