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    Los Alamos, NM
  • Interests
    Saddles, Holsters and Scabards

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  1. I picked this saddle up several years ago, and finally got around to researching it. I received the following from Hamley & Co.: SADDLE NO: 9354 EXXX 14" SPECIAL ASSOCIATION 3/4" DBL RIGGING MADE FOR: HANNS C SCHWYZER ADDRESS: ST PAUL, MINNESOTA SADDLE MAKER: JIM H ELLISON DATE MADE: FEBRUARY 25, 1936 ORIGINAL PRICE: $109.00 "Over the years, the saddle makers recorded different information about their saddles, which they entered into the books as the saddles were completed. This is exactly what the saddlemaker had to say about yours." Additional research has indicated that the original owner was from a prominent family of doctors in St. Paul Minnesota. This would explain how the owner could afford to pay $109.00, 7-years into the great depression ($1900.00 in 2017 money). Historical Social Security Records indicate that Hanns Schwyzer relocated to Albuquerque, where he passed away in December 2002. Hanns was laid to rest in the Santa Fe National Cemetery. https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=pv&GRid=17583939&PIpi=108416435 Picture of Hanns, with his mother and brother http://collections.mnhs.org/cms/largerimage.php?irn=10132814&catirn=10764875&return=
  2. That's funny, thanks for the spelling tip.
  3. My grandfather made or had made a wallet for my older brother that was similar to the kit wallets offered by Tandy. The figure carved on it was an Indian squall that covered the entire length of the wallet. I don't remember much more about it other than it was a little too risky to be a Stohlman figure. This wallet was made in 1987. Does anyone have any ideas on where I can find this image or one like it?
  4. Thanks again for the information. I assure you that your words are not falling on deaf ears. I will keep saving!
  5. Mike & Glendon, I appreciate the information. As a beginner, I started with the advise from my local Tandy Rep to use if box cutter. As I began to understand the limitations of the box cutter and learned more about traditional tools such as the head knife, I decided to buy my first head knife, and I purchased the Al Stolhman medium head knife. Everything has been going as expected with learning how to use a new tool, but my curiosity was definitely peaked when I could purchase a $149.99 Damascus for $59.99. When I purchased the standard head knife and eventually shortened the handle to better fit my hand. The Damascus knife has a silver cap on the handle, leading me to believe that the handle of this knife may not be so easily modified. Does anyone know if that is an accurate assumption? Thanks, Jim
  6. I have been considering buying a better head knife and adding to my workbench a curved and a straight trim knife. Now that Tandy has their damascus knives on sale, I am curious to know what others think of these knives?
  7. Interesting topic. Thanks for sharing!
  8. Hello, I am looking for a supplier of fleece, but not the kind used in saddle skirting. My local Tandy store had what they called a "Shearling" last year. This type of fleece was a dark brown and had been trimmed to less than a half-inch or so. When I returned to buy more, I found that they were out and that this item was a limited availability item that they do not normally stock. Does anyone out the know where I kind find a similar product? I guess I could always take a normal fleece and shear it down, but that seems like a waste. Thanks for the help. Frogsaw
  9. frogsaw

    Treadle Stand

    Hey Bill, Thanks for the reply. I am not sure what I want to do at this point. Would you mind showing some pics of your Seth, and maybe the legs that you mentioned? I don't mean to sound picky, but the lack of information available on the internet makes it a challenge. Thanks again, Jim
  10. frogsaw

    Treadle Stand

    Hello, I am looking for a treadle stand that will work with a Landis 3, and I am not sure where to find one. I would prefer the type that has the pedals similar to a bicycle. Any information is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Frogsaw
  11. I am in New Mexico, and those shows sound a little out of reasonable travel distance. I appreciate the information though. Any thoughts on the Tippmann Boss? Pros? Cons?
  12. I am considering a sewing machine purchase, but I am not sure which to buy. Any suggestions? I am on a budget, but would like to avoid buying and selling while I search for the right one. I am also not opposed to waiting/saving to buy the right machine. Thanks
  13. I'm not trying to jump on the guy. This is a good deal and the seller has been unresponsive to potential buyers, and now at least one person on here is trying to claim "DIBS". There are other deals we all could be moving towards, but we are hung up on this one.
  14. Bid? This is now an auction? I asked about this machine shortly after it was posted and it was apparently going to be sold to another person. I asked to be notified if the sell didn't go through. Now, this is going to be auctioned. Something about this doesn't seem right.
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