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Everything posted by aaron61032

  1. Thanks for the help. I guess I'll have to give up Eco. I just like all the color variations. Is there another company with a lot of choices on colors?
  2. Sorry if this has been covered before but I couldn't find anything helpful with a search. I don't know what I'm doing wrong here. All the products I use are Eco and this has been an ongoing problem. Here is my process: 1. Hi lite applied with wool dauber (3 hours between coats with 2-3 coats) 2. Dye lower stamped areas on top of Hi lite applied with wool dauber (3 hours between coats with 2-3 coats) 3. Wait at least 6 hours and apply Super Shene with wool dauber. 4. Freak out as dye rubs completely off previously dyed area and smears the rest of the project. 5. ??? 6. Frustration I need some advice on how to finish properly so that I don't get any running from the dye. Also, if anyone knows anything better I could use to finish so that the project will be water resistant/durable that'd be great as well. I am making dog collars. Thanks in advance.
  3. I got another noob question for you guys. If I went with pre dyed leather what effect does tooling have? Would you have the same hilight on stampings like yours has if it was bought dyed?
  4. Thanks for the help definitely trying this out. Did you do just one coat or more?
  5. Those are some nice collars. I was trying to make a pink collar but the hi lite I was using ( Eco Dusty Rose Pink Hi-Lite) wasn't showing the stamps. What brand did you use for pink hi lite?
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