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Tuan Hoang

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About Tuan Hoang

  • Birthday 07/22/1984

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  1. Hi ! This is my handmade purse for my mum, i made it with goat hide. And this is my first time with "leather carving" skill, i try to make some simple projects to earn a little money from this hobby to continue it This one can contain 4 ATM cards And here are some guitar pick holders Hope you enjoy them ! And Have a nice day ! Tuân.
  2. Thank for your nice words. I think about it also, but you can use it to keep documents or paper in format A4 or larger.
  3. Hi all, I would like to admit that by watching all your work here, i improve a lot my skill. Every day i learned a lot from you all. Here is my work for a friend, a macbook's cover. Hope you all enjoy it. Inside Tuân
  4. Sorry but i truly wonder how you did it. Great art !
  5. Thank you for your compliment. I designed this one based on the form of an envelope. I also "upgraded" it with an ATM holder behind. Thanks a lot.
  6. Hi all, I'm just a beginner in leatherworking, here is my lastest work, i made them to keep some cash. Hope you enjoy it.
  7. My friend asked me to make her one little purse with some flowers decorations, so i made one for her and named it "Autumn" Enjoy !
  8. Thanks for yours nice words. Here is the inside, there's nothing inside, i'm working on it.
  9. I made a little ring box for my friend who gonna get married soon. He wants something "vintage" so i took the idea from a treasure chest. Enjoy !
  10. Hello, I'm new here. Glad to see you ! I love leather so I decide to make myself a bag :D I don't have any experience so I make a very simple bag as possible. (Sorry for my english) I sew it by hand. Hope you enjoy it and Have a good day ! Tuan.
  11. Hello all, I want to make a tool belt for myself (hammer, vise, handdrill...) Would you please tell me where I could find the pattern or could please send me the pattern? I'm very thankful. Tuan
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