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Everything posted by randypants

  1. never done a knife sheath before. tell me what you think. p.s. i didn't do the seat.
  2. i do that all the time. think i'm getting a handle on things and progressing well, then BAM! i see someone elses work that makes me feel like a 2year old trying to do this. your tank looks good. i like it.
  3. that's what i meant. out of business in California. the problem with them still operating in Japan is the shipping time. i used to be able to order something and have it here in 48hrs. i doubt that's gonna happen now. i'm guessing 4to6 weeks. customs can be a bitch.
  4. it's what hand applied dyes do. the perfectly even dyed leather you might have seen is probably drum dyed. wiping the dark areas will do nothing but make it look darker while it's wet. try going over the lighter areas a few more times. it'll get you "close", but nothing will get you as even as drum dyed. unless you're talking about black.
  5. i don't have any patterns. i just guessed. the ones i make work well. tell him that if he does this, even if they look similar to someone else's, no one can say he's coppying someone else's work for profit.
  6. West Eagle has in fact gone out of business. you can still get some of their products through Custom Chrome. you can also order seat pans from J&P cycle, though if you do, and it doesn't say "Made in the USA", it's probably made in China. a great seat pan fabricator is Kevin Bass. you can reach him at baasmetalcraft.com
  7. my advice, and something a lot of my friends do, is to strap an old license plate around the pipe. if you want it to look pretty, you could have it painted or chromed. works great as an additional heat shield.
  8. always dye first. i tried it once the other way around. disastrous.
  9. that's a nice tip. definitely gonna try it. Thanks.
  10. thanks. i actually save and burnish the edges once the bags are complete. don't ask me why. probably because burnishing edges is a pain in the ass. i just finished all off the bags at the same time and forgot to burnish them before taking pics. all the bags are 10"wide except the green one with the crossed axes. that one's 12" across. and yeah, they hold a lot. the first one is on my sporty, and i have a 12" bag that's 4"wide and 5.5" tall on my chopped Honda. the 12" is huge. no, no orders, just making a surplus for WHEN i can take them to a bike show. no one wants to go to a booth that has 3 bags on display. lol
  11. tossed it in vinegar before or after you dyed it? i haven't had a problem with my blacks coming off. nice seat.
  12. i love the way the front of this one turned out and i like the copper rivets for the female riders it's a tool bag that has a detachable strap to convert it into a purse i really like the way green looks on leather don't like the red, but someone might
  13. i usually do it by hand. spit, then burnish, then dye, then gum trag, then burnish. i just converted(kind of) this table top buffer from Harbor Freight. left side is a cotton buffing wheel. right side is the same, but covered with denim. makes edges like this. the line running down is my fault. i'll probably stick to doing it by hand unless i can get this smoother. but i've been doing leather work for 2 months, so i'm sure i'll get better.
  14. i've used it in cars, but running through this forum, i haven't seen any mention of using it. just figured i'd ask. and judging from the number of views and lack of responses, i'd say it's a no no.
  15. hi, i'm Randy(not like that, you perv)! i'm guessing i'm going to get a lot of flack about this question, but.... has anyone here ever used Armor All on their finished projects? if so, what was the finished result? thanks in advance, and i await your verbal lashings.
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