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    Reptile and amphibian leather

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  1. Thank you fellas. I am looking to start stitching soon, as I think that would be a nice addition to some pieces, if not all of them. For this example, I used an old leather belt. From now on I'll use nothing but new unfinished leather. That tape idea is sweet, and the idea of a scroll saw is nice too. I would have thought of neither. Thanks
  2. Hi all...I've been making very simple reptile skin cuffs for a year or so, but I need to advance to a better product. I have ideas that I can't pull off. Could you fellas look this simple example over and give me any suggestions that come to mind? My style is very simple, so edges and and such need to be tight. The tough thing so far is cutting out a nice, clean window for the inlay. As you can see, my window slot sucks. Thanks for any thoughts.
  3. No way...that is awesome! I love the way these things look, but daiiiing...I hated them. Thanks
  4. The best way to set Tandy's segma snaps is to set them in a trash can. My best guess is that you have to set them on a surface with roughly the resistance of another planet. Any bounce or give in the setting process will foil you. This includes the bounce provided by a dish towel between the setting surface and a kitchen table. Seriously...I cannot figure these things out. Thinking about trying Snapsource prong snaps? Pearl might be nice.
  5. Thanks, Dog. Yeah...I want to draw on leather now...your avatar reminded me of it. What tool would you recommend?
  6. Hi all, I just started working leather a couple months ago, and it has been an education. I just wanted a snakeskin hatband for my new hat, and that is how it started. Anyway, this is a King Cobra bracelet I made recently. It is 1.5" wide. Very simple in design, but looks freakin awesome. Too feminine for me to wear, though. I tried to sell it on Ebay, but no takers. Peace.
  7. Well...that is interesting, isn't it? I am one half inch from giving up on segmas forever. My local Tandy lady tells me my leather is too thick (6 to 8oz). I am beginning to wonder if that is a company way to say the design of the black segmas is less than horrible. I mean...look at it. It doesn't look ready to grab anything. And the post? Where or how is it supposed to collapse into a securing fashion? I think the bottom line is that black segma snaps are good looking, VERY poorly designed snaps.
  8. I recently began working with reptile leather. I also found the 50/50 alcohol/glycerin formula, and it has been working fine. It appears there are many ways to preserve a reptile skin. My only question with the 50/50 method is longevity.
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