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Posts posted by Saffo

  1. Well, said...

    You are my kind of gal, Saffo.... Necessity IS the mother of invention... and boy-howdy, have I done some inventing in my time. Also, if you have a wood heat an old couch can provide some nice dry kindling for the winter.

    I don't think the landlady would be too happy about me converting my apartment to wood heat, if her reaction to my drop-forging lead shot off the balcony is anything to go by, but I'll definitely keep that in mind. :)

    Saffo, what's step three?

    Does this make you a couch gnome?


    You sayin' I'm short? *fistshake*

    a lot of us are right there with you and I go to the mission, salvation army, etc to nab the leather purses and even other materials for the hardware. I'd take couches anytime except hard to do when ya don't drive. Uh anything, LOL.

    Solution: Bring a skinning knife. ;)

  2. There you go, then.

    Step one: Sell your services as a couch de-upholsterer in West Virginia.

    Step two: Use the couch hides for leathercraft.

    Step three: ???

    Step four: Profit.

    Seriously, though -- nothing wrong with skinning couches from Craigslist. I did that quite a bit when I was just starting out and was just dying for any old scrap of leather I could get my hands on to practice with. I'd also hit the Salvation Army type stores in town when I had time just to nab the leather coats (leather longcoats/dusters in the summer are the best -- real cheap, and they yield lots of material), belts, chairs, purses, whatever.

    Everyone here knows that leatherwork is an expensive hobby, but not everyone here knows what it's like to poor but inspired. It doesn't help any when you try to learn how to do something, and the answer is "Throw away that $15 tool [that you skipped eating for two days to afford] from Tandy and buy this $140 benchtop machine [for a bench you don't have] and each of the $60 accessories that go with it." Or "Don't even bother using anything but the very best leather."

    But screw 'em. I made a lot of my own tools from the cheap wood and metal frames on those couches, and made enough money to buy better leather off the sundries I made from the material. Gotta start somewhere. :) Also, whoever said that foam padding ain't cheap, they were right. You can cut that padding into squares and sell that on Craigslist.

  3. This is actually a pattern for a folded papercraft replica of a Kelly bag. It might work in leather, but the actual bags are constructed a little differently.

    Below is an exploded view of the Hermes bag, dissembled by some fashion writer with too much of a budget (it's a $38,000 bag... I wonder if he put it back together).


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