Hello, I just stumbled across this site and it looks like a good forum so I joined immediately. I live in Victoria, Australia with my horse and 5 dogs. I've been dabbling in leatherwork for about 8 years now, mostly kangaroo hide, plaiting & making solid roo hide dog collars. I'd never seen them until I started making them.
I've had a bit of a look around and have to say some of the work here is amazing and I feel rather intimidated but then I tell myself, what the heck, I am here to learn, so please dont laugh at me if I ask something dumb.
drats, I cant figure out how to post pics. Oh well, my work is pretty basic compared to what I've seen here
The first pic is of a slip collar & lead, I hand cut the lacing, I find the quality is much better when you buy a whole hide & cut it yourself.
the second pic is a 3ply roo hide dog collar, it gets very soft with use, kind on those delicate sighthound necks.