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Everything posted by Kanga

  1. Where you you get the stamps made? I am in Australia & work with roo hide. I'd love to get a stamp to make it look more professional & also to let people know who made it but I dont know where to start looking. Linda
  2. Kanga

    6 plait braid

    I dont know if I'll be able to explain this because I dont know the correct jargon, but here goes. I use 6plaits alot for making dog leads. Anything more would be impracticle as far as selling it goes, most people cant appreciate the time & amount of leather that goes into them. Usually (as far as I know) most people do under, over, so it comes out as a simple diamond pattern with a 6 plait, so it's a bit fiddly, although it looks nice enough. I have a really old roo hide dog lead it's gotta be at least 50 years old & is responsible for me becoming interested in plaiting in the first place. It's a 6 strand but has a pattern, not just the diamond. I showed it to a friend of mine who said he'd never seen it before. He's a clever bloke though & within a few minutes had worked out how to do it. Here goes: You start with your 3 strands each side. Take the top strand on the left, take it round the back & go under one, over two. Then from the right, take the next strand in the sequence round the back & go under two, over one. When you keep repeating this you end up with a pattern of diamonds stripes down the sides & a two strand jump ???( I am sorry, I dont know how to explain it) down the other sides. I hope that makes sense. Linda
  3. Am I right in thinking what we Aussies call plaiting, such as stockwhips, my humble little dogs leads etc, you in the US call braiding? Linda
  4. Kanga


    Thanks for the welcomes! Linda
  5. Hello, I just stumbled across this site and it looks like a good forum so I joined immediately. I live in Victoria, Australia with my horse and 5 dogs. I've been dabbling in leatherwork for about 8 years now, mostly kangaroo hide, plaiting & making solid roo hide dog collars. I'd never seen them until I started making them. I've had a bit of a look around and have to say some of the work here is amazing and I feel rather intimidated but then I tell myself, what the heck, I am here to learn, so please dont laugh at me if I ask something dumb. Linda http://s138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/ki...03-0309_IMG.jpg http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q253/ki...03-0371_IMG.jpg drats, I cant figure out how to post pics. Oh well, my work is pretty basic compared to what I've seen here The first pic is of a slip collar & lead, I hand cut the lacing, I find the quality is much better when you buy a whole hide & cut it yourself. the second pic is a 3ply roo hide dog collar, it gets very soft with use, kind on those delicate sighthound necks.
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