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Everything posted by Wheels

  1. Does anyone have an opinion about why some receipes add parafin to the mix. What does the parafin wax do? Is it used to cut the cost of the mix since the beeswax is kind of expensive? Wheels
  2. Tandy Leathercraft Library has a few here: http://www.leathercr...earchterm=clock Wheels
  3. I was able to get a color close to that with eco-flo saddle tan Hi-Lite Color Stain. It is a little more transparent than the other eco-flo products I have used, it finishes with a lighter color than saddle tan gel or range tan dye. The Coloring with Eco-flo book from Tandy says you can thin it with water or mix it with other colors. I applied it with a fine cosmetic sponge slightly damp. It has a nice even color but I don't think it is as rich as the color in the pic you attached.
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