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Jarrett V

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Posts posted by Jarrett V

  1. Who says your work is far from perfect? I think there are a lot of folks here that would Totally disagree with you and actually envy your

    talent and accomplishments. Believe me and all others that have commented here...... Your work is Superior and you should not be dismayed

    that there are no complaints or critiquing. Your work is Very Good! Very Very Very Good!

    If you have only been tooling for 1 1/2 years - it is Exciting to think what you are going to accomplish...

    Thank you!!

  2. Do you glue your belts to a pice of plexiglass before you case it to prevent shrinking? I know its recommended for sheridan tooling on book covers and such but i wasn't sure if it was used for belts that are tooled or stamped? Thanks again. DC

    I use painters tape on the back of my belts, it keeps them from distorting

    I have a Cobra Class 4, but have not tried 138 thread. What size needle are you using and do you use the standard shuttle hook?

    Off the top of my head, I think I'm using a 21 needle and yes I am using the standard shuttle hook. You just have to play with the tension for a while, but if you can get it set properly you can sew about any thickness with minimal adjustment. I have sewn with 69 thread on my cobra and have had no problems or skipped stitches.

  3. This is a perfect example of the cultural deference between the tech community and everyone else. I am by no means a member of the Digirati, but I keep up with that stuff the same way I keep up on leathercraft. In that community, flash is dead, and has been dead for about five years. No one uses flash for anything except video, and even that is being phased out as quickly as possible. I don't even know where you would find flash based website tools or someone who would actually recommend them. Building a new site with those tools is that weird to me. It's like finding a plumber that still works with cast iron pipe. Yes technically it still works, but there are a lot better options now,, and there has been for a long time.

    Ha, well that is embarrassing, What way or how would you recommend I go about building a new site?

  4. Very nice website....I found 3 words spelled wrong. Ambassadors, mahogany, turquoise. Other than that looks great!

    Thank you, those are fixed.

    Nice work ! My only suggestion would be to put prices on the items are at least a base price and have some way to pay with a credit card.

    I am currently working on a price structure, rather than what is just in my head, and will be adding some what of a price structure soon.

    Nice site and good looking work.

    Thank you

    I like the style. Very clean and gives a very specific feel. That being said, from a technical stand point, it basically needs to be redone. I hate to say it, but it's true. It is completely unusable on iOS devices, and even on normal computers it is overly bloated. Do the exact same design using a standard content management system like Wordpress or Drupal, and you'd have a very nice website.

    Ok, this was very blunt, BUT it is exactly what I was looking for. I asked for a critique and this is it. As far as iOS not being able to use it, it sucks. I was not aware of such when I began the building of the site, but seeing as I have already paid for one year of site usage, I'll have to wait it out and just improve what I have for now and change the whole program after the year is up.

    Thank you for bringing this issue to the surface.

    I didnt realise that iOS devices dont support flash when so many websites use it. Is there an alternative to get the same effects? I just used HTML and CSS for mine since I dont know much about web design and would rather be making something out of leather than learning another language.

    I couldn't tell you how may items I could've made in the time I spent trying to figure out this whole website process.

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